
Light Analysis


Optical characteristic parameter measurement instruments, such as Spectrometer, Radiometer/Photometer, Laser power meter, Laser energy meter, pulse width detector, Beam quality analyzer/ Beam profiler, Polarization High-Speed Camera, etc.


Brolight- Compact Spectrometers and Optical Power meter

Brolight provides compact spectrometers with wavelengths ranging from 180nm to 1700nm, as well as photodiode/thermopile type optical power meters.


EOC- Coherent- Photodetectors for pulse-width measurement

EOC’s photodetectors are used in laboratories around the world for pulse-width measurement and pulse profiling applications, such as monitoring the output of pulsed lasers, mode-locked lasers and externally modulated CW lasers 


Photonic Lattice- Polarizing Optical Components & Polarization High-Speed Camera

We are not limited to providing polarization optical elements, we also provide unique products base on components, such as our proprietary birefringence measurement system, polarization high-speed camera, ultra high-speed and high-sensitivity thermal imaging camera, and carbon dioxide imaging system.


Dataray- Beam Profilers

DataRay is the leading manufacturer of ISO compliant laser beam profilers.


International Light- Light Meters / Radiometers/Spectrophotometers/ Spectro-Radiometers

We offer an array of light measurement products and devices including light meters, radiometers, spectrophotometers, and spectro-radiometers, for applications from ultra violet, to visible light, and infrared measurements.


HAAS- High power Laser beam Analyzer

The Haas Laser Technologies Laser beam Analyzer System is modular design. The system includes Software, Cameras, Beam Reduction Optics, Attenuation modules and filters which enable “real-time” laer beam diagnostics from low to high power CW and pulsed lasers.


Brolight was founded in 2012, Hangzhou, China.


Brolight is a professional manufacturer of Science Education Apparatus & Photonics Instrument. We manufacture various experimental teaching and training kits for physics and optoelectronics, and light analysis solutions base on Spectrum & intensity,to bring customers the high-quality, affordable, and reliable products.


The optical analysis products include spectrometers and optical powermeters:


Spectrometer products:

Description Ref. Photo Series Wavelength Range(nm)

Resolution FWHM (nm)


VIS-NIR Compact Spectrometer

BIM-6001A 315~1100 1~0.35  
BIM-6002A 180~1100

VIS-NIR High Resolution Spectrometer

BIM-6601A 315~1100 0.35~0.08  
BIM-6602A 180~1100 0.35~0.1
BIM-6606 200~1100 0.35~0.06

UV-NIR High Sensitivity Spectrometer

BIM-6703 200~1100 1~0.35 The high sensitivity on the range 500-900nm, Suit to Raman Application
BIM-6704 The high sensitivity on the range 200-500nm, Suitable to UV Range

UV-NIR High Sensitivity & Resolution Spectrometer

BIM-6603 200~1100 1~0.1 The high sensitivity on the range 500-900nm, Suit to Raman Application

NIR spectrometer

BIM-6805 950-1700 ~10nm  
BIM-6809 920-1700 ~5nm  


Laser Power Meter Products:


Communication Power Meter USB BT



The outputs data through the power meter (can be displayed directly or connected to a PC via USB)



USB or USB Hub as communication interface, displayed on the PC



Data transmission through BT, displayed on the mobile phones or tablets(Android Only now)


Si, 380~1100nm

Power density:10mW/cm2


UV-Si,  80~1100nm

Power density:1mW/cm2


InGaAs: 800~1650nm

Power density:10mW/cm2


Thermopile: 0.19~20µm

Power density:10kW/cm2



Photodiode detector, can be configured with an integrating sphere.



Photonic Lattice founded in Sendai, Japan in 2002. 


It’s core technology is photonic crystal technology, in which micro-polarizer arrays with various axis directions are freely patterned and stacked on a single wafer using sputtering technology. This technology is used as a core component in optical communications (polarization multiplexing), semiconductors (inspection using DUV light), precision processing (beam shaping), and other cutting-edge equipment in various fields.


Today, through research and development of applied technologies such as special optics and computational algorithms, we have realized unique products such as our proprietary birefringence measurement system, polarization high-speed camera, ultra high-speed and high-sensitivity thermal imaging camera, and carbon dioxide imaging system, enabling us to visualize and measure phenomena that were previously difficult.



We provide optical elements, optical modules, inspection devices, custom development, and contract testing services using our unique optical technologies.

  • ● Photonic Crystal Polarizing Optical Components
  • ● 2D Birefringence Measurement System
  • ● In-line/off-line mapping-type birefringence measurement system
  • ● High-speed infrared camera / Infrared Measurement Equipment
  • ● High-speed Polarization Camera
  • ● Polarization Imaging Camera
  • ● Ellipsometric measurement


2D Birefringence Measurement System

PA/WPA series systems provide high-speed birefringence measurement of transparent materials, such as transparent parts for residual stress evaluation, or transparent films for the evaluation of phase uniformity. Ranging from microscopic to macroscopic (~50cm), the field of view adapts to any measurement situation, and there is a system for each size.

  • ● PA series measures birefringence and phase difference with a high resolution of 5 million pixels at high speed, for low phase difference with a measurement range of 0 to 130 nm. Suitable for measurement of glassware and other low phase difference targets.
  • ● WPA series expands the measurement range of phase difference from 0 to 3,500 nm by measuring birefringence/phase difference distribution over three waves. Suitable for measuring large transparent resin products.


PA/WPA-NIR series

Operating at 850nm wavelength, this system provides strong tools for process and quality control of pieces not transparent at visible wavelengths, such as special resins and chacolgenide, used for example in LIDAR and face recognition systems.


In-line/off-line mapping-type birefringence measurement system

With KAMAKIRI, the entire film surface is inspected. Therefore, even if a sudden optical irregularity occurs, an alarm can be generated real-time, to prevent any defective area outflow.


From “Visualization” to “Automated Inspection”Prevention of outflow of defective products & quick detection of defects

  • ● As displays become higher in resolution and contrast, and as manufactures improve image quality, a high degree of phase shift and principal axis orientation uniformity within the film plane is being pursued.
  • ● Furthermore, from an environmental perspective, it has become important to designate production lots to be disposed of and film trimming areas.
  • ● By using KAMAKIRI, which combines a unique polarization high-speed camera and scanning system, it is now possible to inspect and record birefringence in the film plane with high accuracy in an extremely short time, both on the production line and in the research lab.


Numerous installation results

  • ● Since its launch at the end of 2014, more than 50 KAMAKIRI series products have been installed by optical film manufacturers and glass/lens molding manufacturers in Japan, Korea, and China.
  • ● Especially for optical film manufacturers, there are many different types of production lines, each with different requirements.
  • ● By confirming the status of customer’s production line, we can propose the optimal system configuration.
  • ● We have manufactured and installed small systems for 200mm width measurement and large systems exceeding 5m width.


High-speed infrared camera / Infrared Measurement Equipment

We propose an infrared R&D measurement system based on the world’s highest class high-speed and high-sensitivity infrared camera technology. It is suitable for various new applications such as high-speed temperature measurement, CO2 gas visualization, or welding temperature analysis.


Visualization of momentary temperature changes

  • ● With our cooled infrared high-speed camera, thermal noise is reduced to the utmost limit by cooling the image sensor to -190°C, enabling high-precision, high-speed thermal imaging measurements, that have been difficult to achieve in the past.
  • ● This makes it possible to accurately measure high-speed phenomena, such as the temperature rise at the moment of breakage in a tensile test, the temperature rise of a workpiece during laser processing, or the temperature measurement of a high-speed moving object. Also, by detecting extremely small temperature changes with high precision, it is possible to evaluate, for example, the temperature rise of a semiconductor chip during operation or temperature irregularities in a liquid during temperature rise.


Visualization of CO2 gas

  • ● By visualizing invisible gases such as CO2, methane, ethane, ethanol, toluene, etc., one could detect and quantify leakages from pipes, exhalation flow, or characterize bare air flow using CO2; gas as an inexpensive tracer.
  • ● A particular concern when visualizing CO2 is that it is generally difficult to distinguish from water vapor.
  • ● On the other hand, CO2 cameras can discriminate gases by spectrally filtering infrared absorption at specific wavelengths.
  • ● In the 4.3 micron wavelength band, CO2 is much more absorptive than water vapor, so this concern can be overcome.


High-speed Polarization Camera

CRYSTA, the world’s fastest high-speed polarization camera, can visualize internal stress and orientation structure of transparent materials real-time. It is of great help in various R&D fields, such as biotechnology, defense or aerospace technology.

  • ● Visualization of internal stress distribution during material processing and analysis of processing conditions
  • ● Evaluation of stress propagation around cracks in impact test/fractures
  • ● Dynamic observation of crystal axis and orientation state for liquid crystal/crystalline materials
  • ● Visualization of flow stress distribution generated by viscoelasticity and soft matter


Polarization can measure and visualize various physical quantities and physical properties.

  • ● Polarization is “light that vibrates in regular direction” and it cannot be recognized by human eyes. Since the polarization state varies depending on the internal structure of the transmitted object and the surface shape of the reflected object, it is recognized that it can be applied to the measurement of various physical quantities and the visualization of phenomena by measuring the polarization state of the incident light and the transmitted light to/from the object.
  • ● Furthermore, the combination of “Polarization” and “High-speed imaging” technology will enable new image analyses that were previously unimaginable, such as examining the load applied to tools during the processing of transparent materials from images, visualizing stress propagation and relaxation processes in impact tests and flow phenomena, and quantitatively measuring the spatial performance uniformity of alignment films in a non-contact manner.


Polarization Imaging Camera

PI/WPI cameras are capable to obtain polarization information real-time, as a normal image, and at high-resolution.

They are used in many areas including recognition of dark objects using their polarization signature, real-time polarization monitoring of laser beams, etc.

In addition to PI capabilities of recording the Degree of Linear Polarization (DOLP) and main axis orientation angle, WPI provides full-fledged recording of the Stokes parameters and Degree of Polarization (DOP), which is necessary in partial polarization situations.


Observation of surface bumps,made clear by polarization effects

Polarization allows detecting small edges and surface irregularities that would be difficult to see using normal cameras. Polarization imaging especially shines when observing dark objects.

Normal image

Polarization image

Surface bumps are distinctly seen on polarization images.


Evaluation of new materials (carbon fiber …)

Using reflected light, polarization can be used to observe and quantify in real-time the orientation of the fibers in a CFRP (Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer) sample.

Evaluation of new materials


Full-Polarization imaging with WPI

Full-Polarization imaging with WPIPolarization cameras on the market, including PI, provide only limited polarization information, not the whole picture.

In contrast to such cameras, WPI systems have access to the full-fledged Stokes parameters, allowing discernment among right-handed, left-handed, elliptical and circular polarization states. Furthermore, WPI systems differentiate between polarized and unpolarized light, and do not mix up elliptical polarizations with unpolarized light. The WPI system is the optimal choice for full polarization measurement.

The blue part is right-handed circular polarization (RCP), the red part is left-handed circular polarization (LCP)


Ellipsometric measurement

Those systems measures the thickness and refractive index of ultra-thin films. They realizes high-speed measurement for complete 2-D distribution featuring zooming to micro-scale areas. They are used mainly for semiconductor wafers and display panels evaluation.

High-speed, non-destructive, high-accuracy measurement of thin film thickness & refractive index at high resolution is now possible.

We support quality management and process control with unprecedented data volume and software functionalities adaptable to your needs.



High-speed evaluation of full area wafers (up to 12 inch).

Using an unprecedented amount of data, you can provide feedback to your troubleshooting process and bring your quality control to a new level.

  • ● Thickness measurement upgraded from “point” to full-fledged “surface” evaluation
  • ● Whole surface evaluation provides great insights for process evaluation



In addition to its large surface measurement capabilities of wafers up to 12 inches, the ME-210(-T) provides a high-resolution mode, allowing zooming into areas as small as a few micrometers.

Measurement area size: up to 12 inches (standard: 8 inches)

Spot size:

  • Standard mode : 0.55 mm
  • Intermediate mode: 55μm
  • High-resolution mode:  5.5μm


Thin film of transparent substrate measurements available

With ME-210-T, we made possible the evaluation of objects that are usually too difficult to evaluate using standard ellipsometric techniques, such as organic thin films for OLED, etc.


Simple & compact【SE-101】

This compact point measurement system provides high-accuracy and high-repeatability thin film measurements.

Its detachable head can be used as a separate module to integrate into your manufacturing infrastructure.



DataRay Inc. was founded in 1988, CA,USA.


DataRay is the leading manufacturer of ISO compliant laser beam profilers. We manufacture a variety of laser beam profiling solutions to bring the photonics industry high-quality, affordable, and reliable products. Our solutions include laser beam profiling cameras, scanning slit beam profilers, M² measurement systems, and specialized beam profiler systems. We offer solutions for a wide variety of applications and wavelengths. Our beam profiling systems are designed and manufactured in the USA and come with an industry-leading 3-year warranty.


We were the first to market with:

  • ● Beam profiling software for Windows
  • ● Windows 95 compatible CCD beam profiling cameras
  • ● Software control of CCD electronic shutter
  • ● Micron capable, linear scan, dual-mode Slit/Knife Edge beam profilers which fully meets the ISO 11146 standard for beam profiling instruments
  • ● Compact multi-plane scan heads for focused beams, collimation and M² measurement
  • ● 14-bit ADC digital Megapixel CCD beam profiling cameras
  • ● USB 2.0 port-powered beam profiling cameras
  • ● Windows 7 support


THE DATARAY Advantage:


Broad applications

Products featuring: 

  • ● 0.1 µm best resolution;
  • ● 0.5 µm minimum diameter;
  • ● beam dimensions to 25 mm; SuperSpeed USB 3.0

Wide bandwidth

DataRay's product portfolio covers wavelengths from deep UV to FIR

No hidden costs of ownership

All DataRay systems include a 3-year warranty; any necessary servicing within this period is at no charge, including parts and labor (excluding damage by customer)

ISO 11146 compliant beam profiling

We use XY plane scanning slit motions which strictly comply with the Standard's requirement for a slit or knife-edge scan to be made in a plane perpendicular to the propagation axis

Free, user-friendly software

We provide versatile software with free downloadable updates for the life of your product

Localization support

You always can find a local professional distributor near you.

In China, Pls contact A&P.


Product Series:


1.Beam Profiling Cameras

DataRay manufactures three series of beam profiling cameras: WinCamD, BladeCam, and TaperCamD cameras. These CMOS and VO microbolometer-based cameras cover a broad range of different wavelengths from 190 nm to 16 μm.


2.Scanning Slit Beam Profilers (Si, Ge, and InGaAs detectors)

DataRay manufactures two types of scanning slit beam profilers: the patented BeamMap series, which offers real-time M², divergence, focus and alignment management, and the Beam’R series which provides affordable, compact, and precise beam profiling. All of our scanning slit beam profilers are available with Si, Ge, and InGaAs detectors, covering wavelengths from 190 nm to 2500 nm.


3.Specialized Beam Profiler Systems (Inspired by customers)

In addition to beam profiling cameras and scanning slit beam profilers, DataRay offers specialized beam profiler systems. These systems offer solutions for complex applications. The large beam profiling system is suitable for beams up to 200 mm image area, and the line laser profiling system provides for direct measurement of line lasers up to 200 mm in length.



DataRay offers various beam profiler accessories covering beam attenuation, optics, translation stages,  UV and IR converters, and more.



HAAS Laser Technology Inc.

Haas Laser Technologies, Inc. is a leading innovator in custom laser beam delivery components. Founded by Gilbert Haas in 1992, our mission is to set industry standards for innovation, reliability, and quality. With a 35,000+ square foot facility in Flanders, New Jersey, we offer a vast selection of laser beam delivery components globally. Our vertically integrated team includes experienced engineers, advanced manufacturing, and a state-of-the-art machine shop.

Far East and European distributorships have demonstrated Haas Laser Technologies' commitment to provide and support its products worldwide. It is no wonder that Haas Laser Technologies has emerged as one of the top recognized world leaders in laser beam delivery systems.

Haas currently has thousands of its products in continuous operation 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at installations through out the world at companies such as Chrysler, General Motors, Ford, General Electric, Air France, and Hewlett Packard.


The main products include:


Laser Beam Diagnostics

In every laser application, the laser beam profile provides valuable information for the most efficient use of the laser. By monitoring the laser beams spatial profile, circularity, centroid, astigmatism and M2 values, you have early warning of any problems with the laser and entire beam delivery optical system. This relates to increased quality, process reliability, and reduced scrap.

The Haas Laser Technologies Laser beam Analyzer System is modular design. The system includes Software, Cameras, Beam Reduction Optics, Attenuation modules and filters which enable “real-time” laer beam diagnostics from low to high power CW and pulsed lasers. The design provides both near-field and far-field instantaneous laser beam measurement, analysis and monitoring with “no moving components”.

The BA-CAM and BWA-CAM software is designed based on ISO 11146 and ISO 13694 international standards. Full image based second moment techniques, knife edge and equation fitting (Gaussian, Super Gaussian, and Super Donut) techniques are used to determine quick and reliable standard beam parameters.

Calculated results can be viewed in tabular form as well as logged to view changes over time. Visualization windows include X and Y axis plots, 3D view of laser beam, histograms and database reports.


The Beam Analyzer (BA-CAM) provides “Real-Time” far-field viewing, measurement, analysis and monitoring of laser spatial distribution, laser power, beam diameter, beam ovality, beam center and beam centroid. The BA-CAM can also monitor the laser beam for degradation, stability, power, alignment and tuning.


The Beam Waist Analyzer (BWA-CAM) provides “Real-Time” near-field M2 measurements with no moving components. The (BWA-CAM) provides instantaneous analysis and monitoring of the laser beam and all active optical elements.


The dual systems incorporates both the Beam Analyzer (BA-CAM) and the Beam Waist Analyzer (BWA-CAM) to provide “Real-Time” near-field and far-field viewing, measurements and analysis of the laser beam.


The BWA-MON is a modular focus head design configured for the Beam Analyzer (BA-CAM) and the Beam Waist Analyzer (BWA-CAM) for most applications and laser wavelengths. The design contains no “moving components” and provides instantaneous measurement and analysis of the laser beam and its optical elements.



About International Light

For over fifty years International Light has been developing products and solutions that meet a broad range of needs and solve a variety of challenges. ILT combines technical lighting and light measurement expertise to provide products and services that shine.


International Light Technologies was formed when Gilway Technical Lamp merged with International Light.  Gilway and International Light have long and proud reputations for delivering exemplary customer service, on-time delivery, and technical expertise. Formed in 1969, Gilway Technical Lamp has provided customers with off-the-shelf and customized solutions for a full spectrum of light sources. Since 1965 International Light has been solving the inherent difficulties in light measurement through the design and manufacture of a wide range of light measuring instruments, including the most accurate light meters on the market.


In February of 2022, ILT was acquired by Ocean Insight. International Light Technologies offices, R&D efforts, certified state-of-the-art testing and calibration lab, warehousing and much of its manufacturing are located in Peabody Massachusetts, just 15 miles north of Boston.


Why International Light

Why should you partner with ILT to overcome your latest challenge? Innovating and problem-solving are what we do. We have over a half-century of experience working with companies of all shapes and sizes, and across a broad range of industries, to deliver products and solutions that tackle the toughest obstacles. ILT employs a team of highly skilled experts in the areas of electrical, optical, mechanical, quality and manufacturing engineering.  Our staff will work with you to ensure you get a solution – whether off-the-shelf or tailor-made – that is right for you. In today’s tumultuous environment where the big guys are struggling to keep up and many entrants come and go, ILT is continuing to deliver products and solutions that solve problems, are designed and manufactured to the highest quality standards, and can be brought to market quickly and cost effectively.


What We Offer

ILT has been developing solutions for lighting and light measurement for more than 50 years. We have an extensive catalog of off-the-shelf options, but the real benefit we bring to our customers is our ability to develop customized solutions that meet your specific requirements.


We offer an array of light measurement products and devices including light meters, radiometers, spectrophotometers, and spectro-radiometers, for applications from ultra violet, to visible light, and infrared measurements. We also offer supporting accessories including, detectors, filters, input optics, integrating spheres and calibrations.We engineer our products to withstand the many harsh applications required from underwater applications to direct exposure to high levels of UV, to last years of use.


Our Commitment to Our Customers

At ILT we are committed to providing our customers with the highest quality products, prompt and courteous customer service, and world-class technical support. We realize that much of what we make ends up as part of a solution for our customers’ customers. When you partner with ILT you can be confident that we will stand by our products and work through any issues to resolution. 


Our Commitment to Quality

ILT is committed to delivering the highest quality products and services to our customers.  Our employees use the latest tools to ensure all of our products are designed and manufactured to meet our stringent requirements for durability, reliability, efficacy and cost efficiency. 


To ensure that this commitment is understood, implemented and maintained, all of our employees are familiar with our policy and understand their requirements within the Quality System through training and access to our Quality Manual. We are an ISO9001:2015 certified organization for quality management, and all of our products are backed by a warranty.  ILT is also ISO13485:2016 certified.


ILT is an ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Accredited lab. This certification allows us to calibrate ILT-branded and non-ILT branded light meters and spectroradiometers. Visit our Calibrations page here to see all of our calibration services.



Coherent EOC (Electro Optic Components),EOT


EOC is a photonics company specializing in the design, development, and manufacturing of critical laser components and subsystems for OEM customers in need of innovative and reliable solutions. 


COHERENT EOC location in TRAVERSE CITY, MI, Here is the Center of Excellence for Hybrid Bulk and Fiber.


Optic Assemblies:

  • ● High and Low Power Free Space Isolators
  • ● Fiber-coupled Isolators
  • ● Fiber Terminators/Collimators
  • ● Line of Photodetectors


From industrial manufacturing to national labs and space ready systems, EOC leverages its unique combination of fiber and bulk optical design experience to serve as a valued technology partner across industries. 


EOC Solution for Lasers

Lasers  Wavelength

Free Space Rotators & Isolators

Fiber-to-Fiber & Fiber-to-Free Space Isolators Photo-detectors
PW & TW Laser Systems 700~1100
kW+ Solid State & Fiber Lasers 1000~1100  
Solid State Lasers (fs to CW) to 1 kW
Solid State Lasers (fs to CW) to 1 kW 1100~1700
Solid State Lasers(fs to CW) to 1 kW 515~700  
Solid State Lasers (fs to CW) to 1 kW 1700~2800  
Solid State Lasers (fs to CW) to 1 kW 350~515  
Yb, Er, & Tm Fiber Lasers 1064,1550, 1950~2050
Diode Lasers 350~1500  
QCLs  3200~10600    
CO? Lasers 9400~10600  




  • ● EOC has been manufacturing photodetectors since 1987
  • ● EOC’s photodetectors are used in laboratories around the world for pulse-width measurement and pulse profiling applications, such as monitoring the output of pulsed lasers, mode-locked lasers and externally modulated CW lasers 
  • ● All of EOC’s photodetectors are designed for ease of use, and are ready for the lab upon delivery


About photodetectors

  • ● A photodiode converts photons to electrons through the photovoltaic effect. EOC’s photodetectors consist of the photodiode, associated circuitry, a power supply, and housing.
  • ● Parameters of interest in the photodiode are photodiode material, active area, responsivity, rise time, fall time, bandwidth, and noise equivalent power (NEP).
  • ● The wavelength of the laser to be used will determine the photodiode material required. Silicon detectors (ET-2xxx and ET-4000) are used from 190 nm to 1100 nm, InGaAs detectors (ET-3xxx) from 900 nm to 1700 nm, GaAs detectors (ET-4000) from 400 nm to 900 nm, and 2um (ET-5000) from 1475 -2100nm.
  • ● The active area is where the photon/electron conversion takes place; it is generally circular in shape.  Ideally, the laser beam diameter should be a little smaller than the active area diameter to ensure maximum detector output.
  • ● Responsivity, in amps per watt (A/W), is the current output of the photodiode for a given input power, and is determined by the diode structure. Responsivity varies with wavelength and diode material.
  • ● The rise and fall times of a pulse are affected by the photodiode’s junction capacitance. A larger junction capacitance will slow the detector’s response time. This effect can be seen if the bias voltage is removed from an ET-2030: the falling edge of the pulse will stretch from about 10 ns to 50 ns.
  • ● The bandwidth and rise time can be approximately related by the equation: Bandwidth ≈ 0.35/Rise Time
  • ● NEP is a function of responsivity and dark current and is the minimum optical power needed for an output signal to noise ratio of 1. 






Optical characteristic parameter measurement instruments, such as Spectrometer, Radiometer/Photometer, Laser power meter, Laser energy meter, pulse width detector, Beam quality analyzer/ Beam profiler, Polarization High-Speed Camera, etc.


Brolight- Compact Spectrometers and Optical Power meter

Brolight provides compact spectrometers with wavelengths ranging from 180nm to 1700nm, as well as photodiode/thermopile type optical power meters.


EOC- Coherent- Photodetectors for pulse-width measurement

EOC’s photodetectors are used in laboratories around the world for pulse-width measurement and pulse profiling applications, such as monitoring the output of pulsed lasers, mode-locked lasers and externally modulated CW lasers 


Photonic Lattice- Polarizing Optical Components & Polarization High-Speed Camera

We are not limited to providing polarization optical elements, we also provide unique products base on components, such as our proprietary birefringence measurement system, polarization high-speed camera, ultra high-speed and high-sensitivity thermal imaging camera, and carbon dioxide imaging system.


Dataray- Beam Profilers

DataRay is the leading manufacturer of ISO compliant laser beam profilers.


International Light- Light Meters / Radiometers/Spectrophotometers/ Spectro-Radiometers

We offer an array of light measurement products and devices including light meters, radiometers, spectrophotometers, and spectro-radiometers, for applications from ultra violet, to visible light, and infrared measurements.


HAAS- High power Laser beam Analyzer

The Haas Laser Technologies Laser beam Analyzer System is modular design. The system includes Software, Cameras, Beam Reduction Optics, Attenuation modules and filters which enable “real-time” laer beam diagnostics from low to high power CW and pulsed lasers.


Brolight was founded in 2012, Hangzhou, China.


Brolight is a professional manufacturer of Science Education Apparatus & Photonics Instrument. We manufacture various experimental teaching and training kits for physics and optoelectronics, and light analysis solutions base on Spectrum & intensity,to bring customers the high-quality, affordable, and reliable products.


The optical analysis products include spectrometers and optical powermeters:


Spectrometer products:

Description Ref. Photo Series Wavelength Range(nm)

Resolution FWHM (nm)


VIS-NIR Compact Spectrometer

BIM-6001A 315~1100 1~0.35  
BIM-6002A 180~1100

VIS-NIR High Resolution Spectrometer

BIM-6601A 315~1100 0.35~0.08  
BIM-6602A 180~1100 0.35~0.1
BIM-6606 200~1100 0.35~0.06

UV-NIR High Sensitivity Spectrometer

BIM-6703 200~1100 1~0.35 The high sensitivity on the range 500-900nm, Suit to Raman Application
BIM-6704 The high sensitivity on the range 200-500nm, Suitable to UV Range

UV-NIR High Sensitivity & Resolution Spectrometer

BIM-6603 200~1100 1~0.1 The high sensitivity on the range 500-900nm, Suit to Raman Application

NIR spectrometer

BIM-6805 950-1700 ~10nm  
BIM-6809 920-1700 ~5nm  


Laser Power Meter Products:


Communication Power Meter USB BT



The outputs data through the power meter (can be displayed directly or connected to a PC via USB)



USB or USB Hub as communication interface, displayed on the PC



Data transmission through BT, displayed on the mobile phones or tablets(Android Only now)


Si, 380~1100nm

Power density:10mW/cm2


UV-Si,  80~1100nm

Power density:1mW/cm2


InGaAs: 800~1650nm

Power density:10mW/cm2


Thermopile: 0.19~20µm

Power density:10kW/cm2



Photodiode detector, can be configured with an integrating sphere.



Photonic Lattice founded in Sendai, Japan in 2002. 


It’s core technology is photonic crystal technology, in which micro-polarizer arrays with various axis directions are freely patterned and stacked on a single wafer using sputtering technology. This technology is used as a core component in optical communications (polarization multiplexing), semiconductors (inspection using DUV light), precision processing (beam shaping), and other cutting-edge equipment in various fields.


Today, through research and development of applied technologies such as special optics and computational algorithms, we have realized unique products such as our proprietary birefringence measurement system, polarization high-speed camera, ultra high-speed and high-sensitivity thermal imaging camera, and carbon dioxide imaging system, enabling us to visualize and measure phenomena that were previously difficult.



We provide optical elements, optical modules, inspection devices, custom development, and contract testing services using our unique optical technologies.

  • ● Photonic Crystal Polarizing Optical Components
  • ● 2D Birefringence Measurement System
  • ● In-line/off-line mapping-type birefringence measurement system
  • ● High-speed infrared camera / Infrared Measurement Equipment
  • ● High-speed Polarization Camera
  • ● Polarization Imaging Camera
  • ● Ellipsometric measurement


2D Birefringence Measurement System

PA/WPA series systems provide high-speed birefringence measurement of transparent materials, such as transparent parts for residual stress evaluation, or transparent films for the evaluation of phase uniformity. Ranging from microscopic to macroscopic (~50cm), the field of view adapts to any measurement situation, and there is a system for each size.

  • ● PA series measures birefringence and phase difference with a high resolution of 5 million pixels at high speed, for low phase difference with a measurement range of 0 to 130 nm. Suitable for measurement of glassware and other low phase difference targets.
  • ● WPA series expands the measurement range of phase difference from 0 to 3,500 nm by measuring birefringence/phase difference distribution over three waves. Suitable for measuring large transparent resin products.


PA/WPA-NIR series

Operating at 850nm wavelength, this system provides strong tools for process and quality control of pieces not transparent at visible wavelengths, such as special resins and chacolgenide, used for example in LIDAR and face recognition systems.


In-line/off-line mapping-type birefringence measurement system

With KAMAKIRI, the entire film surface is inspected. Therefore, even if a sudden optical irregularity occurs, an alarm can be generated real-time, to prevent any defective area outflow.


From “Visualization” to “Automated Inspection”Prevention of outflow of defective products & quick detection of defects

  • ● As displays become higher in resolution and contrast, and as manufactures improve image quality, a high degree of phase shift and principal axis orientation uniformity within the film plane is being pursued.
  • ● Furthermore, from an environmental perspective, it has become important to designate production lots to be disposed of and film trimming areas.
  • ● By using KAMAKIRI, which combines a unique polarization high-speed camera and scanning system, it is now possible to inspect and record birefringence in the film plane with high accuracy in an extremely short time, both on the production line and in the research lab.


Numerous installation results

  • ● Since its launch at the end of 2014, more than 50 KAMAKIRI series products have been installed by optical film manufacturers and glass/lens molding manufacturers in Japan, Korea, and China.
  • ● Especially for optical film manufacturers, there are many different types of production lines, each with different requirements.
  • ● By confirming the status of customer’s production line, we can propose the optimal system configuration.
  • ● We have manufactured and installed small systems for 200mm width measurement and large systems exceeding 5m width.


High-speed infrared camera / Infrared Measurement Equipment

We propose an infrared R&D measurement system based on the world’s highest class high-speed and high-sensitivity infrared camera technology. It is suitable for various new applications such as high-speed temperature measurement, CO2 gas visualization, or welding temperature analysis.


Visualization of momentary temperature changes

  • ● With our cooled infrared high-speed camera, thermal noise is reduced to the utmost limit by cooling the image sensor to -190°C, enabling high-precision, high-speed thermal imaging measurements, that have been difficult to achieve in the past.
  • ● This makes it possible to accurately measure high-speed phenomena, such as the temperature rise at the moment of breakage in a tensile test, the temperature rise of a workpiece during laser processing, or the temperature measurement of a high-speed moving object. Also, by detecting extremely small temperature changes with high precision, it is possible to evaluate, for example, the temperature rise of a semiconductor chip during operation or temperature irregularities in a liquid during temperature rise.


Visualization of CO2 gas

  • ● By visualizing invisible gases such as CO2, methane, ethane, ethanol, toluene, etc., one could detect and quantify leakages from pipes, exhalation flow, or characterize bare air flow using CO2; gas as an inexpensive tracer.
  • ● A particular concern when visualizing CO2 is that it is generally difficult to distinguish from water vapor.
  • ● On the other hand, CO2 cameras can discriminate gases by spectrally filtering infrared absorption at specific wavelengths.
  • ● In the 4.3 micron wavelength band, CO2 is much more absorptive than water vapor, so this concern can be overcome.


High-speed Polarization Camera

CRYSTA, the world’s fastest high-speed polarization camera, can visualize internal stress and orientation structure of transparent materials real-time. It is of great help in various R&D fields, such as biotechnology, defense or aerospace technology.

  • ● Visualization of internal stress distribution during material processing and analysis of processing conditions
  • ● Evaluation of stress propagation around cracks in impact test/fractures
  • ● Dynamic observation of crystal axis and orientation state for liquid crystal/crystalline materials
  • ● Visualization of flow stress distribution generated by viscoelasticity and soft matter


Polarization can measure and visualize various physical quantities and physical properties.

  • ● Polarization is “light that vibrates in regular direction” and it cannot be recognized by human eyes. Since the polarization state varies depending on the internal structure of the transmitted object and the surface shape of the reflected object, it is recognized that it can be applied to the measurement of various physical quantities and the visualization of phenomena by measuring the polarization state of the incident light and the transmitted light to/from the object.
  • ● Furthermore, the combination of “Polarization” and “High-speed imaging” technology will enable new image analyses that were previously unimaginable, such as examining the load applied to tools during the processing of transparent materials from images, visualizing stress propagation and relaxation processes in impact tests and flow phenomena, and quantitatively measuring the spatial performance uniformity of alignment films in a non-contact manner.


Polarization Imaging Camera

PI/WPI cameras are capable to obtain polarization information real-time, as a normal image, and at high-resolution.

They are used in many areas including recognition of dark objects using their polarization signature, real-time polarization monitoring of laser beams, etc.

In addition to PI capabilities of recording the Degree of Linear Polarization (DOLP) and main axis orientation angle, WPI provides full-fledged recording of the Stokes parameters and Degree of Polarization (DOP), which is necessary in partial polarization situations.


Observation of surface bumps,made clear by polarization effects

Polarization allows detecting small edges and surface irregularities that would be difficult to see using normal cameras. Polarization imaging especially shines when observing dark objects.

Normal image

Polarization image

Surface bumps are distinctly seen on polarization images.


Evaluation of new materials (carbon fiber …)

Using reflected light, polarization can be used to observe and quantify in real-time the orientation of the fibers in a CFRP (Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer) sample.

Evaluation of new materials


Full-Polarization imaging with WPI

Full-Polarization imaging with WPIPolarization cameras on the market, including PI, provide only limited polarization information, not the whole picture.

In contrast to such cameras, WPI systems have access to the full-fledged Stokes parameters, allowing discernment among right-handed, left-handed, elliptical and circular polarization states. Furthermore, WPI systems differentiate between polarized and unpolarized light, and do not mix up elliptical polarizations with unpolarized light. The WPI system is the optimal choice for full polarization measurement.

The blue part is right-handed circular polarization (RCP), the red part is left-handed circular polarization (LCP)


Ellipsometric measurement

Those systems measures the thickness and refractive index of ultra-thin films. They realizes high-speed measurement for complete 2-D distribution featuring zooming to micro-scale areas. They are used mainly for semiconductor wafers and display panels evaluation.

High-speed, non-destructive, high-accuracy measurement of thin film thickness & refractive index at high resolution is now possible.

We support quality management and process control with unprecedented data volume and software functionalities adaptable to your needs.



High-speed evaluation of full area wafers (up to 12 inch).

Using an unprecedented amount of data, you can provide feedback to your troubleshooting process and bring your quality control to a new level.

  • ● Thickness measurement upgraded from “point” to full-fledged “surface” evaluation
  • ● Whole surface evaluation provides great insights for process evaluation



In addition to its large surface measurement capabilities of wafers up to 12 inches, the ME-210(-T) provides a high-resolution mode, allowing zooming into areas as small as a few micrometers.

Measurement area size: up to 12 inches (standard: 8 inches)

Spot size:

  • Standard mode?。?0.55 mm
  • Intermediate mode: 55μm
  • High-resolution mode:  5.5μm


Thin film of transparent substrate measurements available

With ME-210-T, we made possible the evaluation of objects that are usually too difficult to evaluate using standard ellipsometric techniques, such as organic thin films for OLED, etc.


Simple & compact【SE-101】

This compact point measurement system provides high-accuracy and high-repeatability thin film measurements.

Its detachable head can be used as a separate module to integrate into your manufacturing infrastructure.



DataRay Inc. was founded in 1988, CA,USA.


DataRay is the leading manufacturer of ISO compliant laser beam profilers. We manufacture a variety of laser beam profiling solutions to bring the photonics industry high-quality, affordable, and reliable products. Our solutions include laser beam profiling cameras, scanning slit beam profilers, M² measurement systems, and specialized beam profiler systems. We offer solutions for a wide variety of applications and wavelengths. Our beam profiling systems are designed and manufactured in the USA and come with an industry-leading 3-year warranty.


We were the first to market with:

  • ● Beam profiling software for Windows
  • ● Windows 95 compatible CCD beam profiling cameras
  • ● Software control of CCD electronic shutter
  • ● Micron capable, linear scan, dual-mode Slit/Knife Edge beam profilers which fully meets the ISO 11146 standard for beam profiling instruments
  • ● Compact multi-plane scan heads for focused beams, collimation and M² measurement
  • ● 14-bit ADC digital Megapixel CCD beam profiling cameras
  • ● USB 2.0 port-powered beam profiling cameras
  • ● Windows 7 support


THE DATARAY Advantage:


Broad applications

Products featuring: 

  • ● 0.1 µm best resolution;
  • ● 0.5 µm minimum diameter;
  • ● beam dimensions to 25 mm; SuperSpeed USB 3.0

Wide bandwidth

DataRay's product portfolio covers wavelengths from deep UV to FIR

No hidden costs of ownership

All DataRay systems include a 3-year warranty; any necessary servicing within this period is at no charge, including parts and labor (excluding damage by customer)

ISO 11146 compliant beam profiling

We use XY plane scanning slit motions which strictly comply with the Standard's requirement for a slit or knife-edge scan to be made in a plane perpendicular to the propagation axis

Free, user-friendly software

We provide versatile software with free downloadable updates for the life of your product

Localization support

You always can find a local professional distributor near you.

In China, Pls contact A&P.


Product Series:


1.Beam Profiling Cameras

DataRay manufactures three series of beam profiling cameras: WinCamD, BladeCam, and TaperCamD cameras. These CMOS and VO microbolometer-based cameras cover a broad range of different wavelengths from 190 nm to 16 μm.


2.Scanning Slit Beam Profilers (Si, Ge, and InGaAs detectors)

DataRay manufactures two types of scanning slit beam profilers: the patented BeamMap series, which offers real-time M², divergence, focus and alignment management, and the Beam’R series which provides affordable, compact, and precise beam profiling. All of our scanning slit beam profilers are available with Si, Ge, and InGaAs detectors, covering wavelengths from 190 nm to 2500 nm.


3.Specialized Beam Profiler Systems (Inspired by customers)

In addition to beam profiling cameras and scanning slit beam profilers, DataRay offers specialized beam profiler systems. These systems offer solutions for complex applications. The large beam profiling system is suitable for beams up to 200 mm image area, and the line laser profiling system provides for direct measurement of line lasers up to 200 mm in length.



DataRay offers various beam profiler accessories covering beam attenuation, optics, translation stages,  UV and IR converters, and more.



HAAS Laser Technology Inc.

Haas Laser Technologies, Inc. is a leading innovator in custom laser beam delivery components. Founded by Gilbert Haas in 1992, our mission is to set industry standards for innovation, reliability, and quality. With a 35,000+ square foot facility in Flanders, New Jersey, we offer a vast selection of laser beam delivery components globally. Our vertically integrated team includes experienced engineers, advanced manufacturing, and a state-of-the-art machine shop.

Far East and European distributorships have demonstrated Haas Laser Technologies' commitment to provide and support its products worldwide. It is no wonder that Haas Laser Technologies has emerged as one of the top recognized world leaders in laser beam delivery systems.

Haas currently has thousands of its products in continuous operation 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at installations through out the world at companies such as Chrysler, General Motors, Ford, General Electric, Air France, and Hewlett Packard.


The main products include:


Laser Beam Diagnostics

In every laser application, the laser beam profile provides valuable information for the most efficient use of the laser. By monitoring the laser beams spatial profile, circularity, centroid, astigmatism and M2 values, you have early warning of any problems with the laser and entire beam delivery optical system. This relates to increased quality, process reliability, and reduced scrap.

The Haas Laser Technologies Laser beam Analyzer System is modular design. The system includes Software, Cameras, Beam Reduction Optics, Attenuation modules and filters which enable “real-time” laer beam diagnostics from low to high power CW and pulsed lasers. The design provides both near-field and far-field instantaneous laser beam measurement, analysis and monitoring with “no moving components”.

The BA-CAM and BWA-CAM software is designed based on ISO 11146 and ISO 13694 international standards. Full image based second moment techniques, knife edge and equation fitting (Gaussian, Super Gaussian, and Super Donut) techniques are used to determine quick and reliable standard beam parameters.

Calculated results can be viewed in tabular form as well as logged to view changes over time. Visualization windows include X and Y axis plots, 3D view of laser beam, histograms and database reports.


The Beam Analyzer (BA-CAM) provides “Real-Time” far-field viewing, measurement, analysis and monitoring of laser spatial distribution, laser power, beam diameter, beam ovality, beam center and beam centroid. The BA-CAM can also monitor the laser beam for degradation, stability, power, alignment and tuning.


The Beam Waist Analyzer (BWA-CAM) provides “Real-Time” near-field M2 measurements with no moving components. The (BWA-CAM) provides instantaneous analysis and monitoring of the laser beam and all active optical elements.


The dual systems incorporates both the Beam Analyzer (BA-CAM) and the Beam Waist Analyzer (BWA-CAM) to provide “Real-Time” near-field and far-field viewing, measurements and analysis of the laser beam.


The BWA-MON is a modular focus head design configured for the Beam Analyzer (BA-CAM) and the Beam Waist Analyzer (BWA-CAM) for most applications and laser wavelengths. The design contains no “moving components” and provides instantaneous measurement and analysis of the laser beam and its optical elements.



About International Light

For over fifty years International Light has been developing products and solutions that meet a broad range of needs and solve a variety of challenges. ILT combines technical lighting and light measurement expertise to provide products and services that shine.


International Light Technologies was formed when Gilway Technical Lamp merged with International Light.  Gilway and International Light have long and proud reputations for delivering exemplary customer service, on-time delivery, and technical expertise. Formed in 1969, Gilway Technical Lamp has provided customers with off-the-shelf and customized solutions for a full spectrum of light sources. Since 1965 International Light has been solving the inherent difficulties in light measurement through the design and manufacture of a wide range of light measuring instruments, including the most accurate light meters on the market.


In February of 2022, ILT was acquired by Ocean Insight. International Light Technologies offices, R&D efforts, certified state-of-the-art testing and calibration lab, warehousing and much of its manufacturing are located in Peabody Massachusetts, just 15 miles north of Boston.


Why International Light

Why should you partner with ILT to overcome your latest challenge? Innovating and problem-solving are what we do. We have over a half-century of experience working with companies of all shapes and sizes, and across a broad range of industries, to deliver products and solutions that tackle the toughest obstacles. ILT employs a team of highly skilled experts in the areas of electrical, optical, mechanical, quality and manufacturing engineering.  Our staff will work with you to ensure you get a solution – whether off-the-shelf or tailor-made – that is right for you. In today’s tumultuous environment where the big guys are struggling to keep up and many entrants come and go, ILT is continuing to deliver products and solutions that solve problems, are designed and manufactured to the highest quality standards, and can be brought to market quickly and cost effectively.


What We Offer

ILT has been developing solutions for lighting and light measurement for more than 50 years. We have an extensive catalog of off-the-shelf options, but the real benefit we bring to our customers is our ability to develop customized solutions that meet your specific requirements.


We offer an array of light measurement products and devices including light meters, radiometers, spectrophotometers, and spectro-radiometers, for applications from ultra violet, to visible light, and infrared measurements. We also offer supporting accessories including, detectors, filters, input optics, integrating spheres and calibrations.We engineer our products to withstand the many harsh applications required from underwater applications to direct exposure to high levels of UV, to last years of use.


Our Commitment to Our Customers

At ILT we are committed to providing our customers with the highest quality products, prompt and courteous customer service, and world-class technical support. We realize that much of what we make ends up as part of a solution for our customers’ customers. When you partner with ILT you can be confident that we will stand by our products and work through any issues to resolution. 


Our Commitment to Quality

ILT is committed to delivering the highest quality products and services to our customers.  Our employees use the latest tools to ensure all of our products are designed and manufactured to meet our stringent requirements for durability, reliability, efficacy and cost efficiency. 


To ensure that this commitment is understood, implemented and maintained, all of our employees are familiar with our policy and understand their requirements within the Quality System through training and access to our Quality Manual. We are an ISO9001:2015 certified organization for quality management, and all of our products are backed by a warranty.  ILT is also ISO13485:2016 certified.


ILT is an ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Accredited lab. This certification allows us to calibrate ILT-branded and non-ILT branded light meters and spectroradiometers. Visit our Calibrations page here to see all of our calibration services.



Coherent EOC (Electro Optic Components),EOT


EOC is a photonics company specializing in the design, development, and manufacturing of critical laser components and subsystems for OEM customers in need of innovative and reliable solutions. 


COHERENT EOC location in TRAVERSE CITY, MI, Here is the Center of Excellence for Hybrid Bulk and Fiber.


Optic Assemblies:

  • ● High and Low Power Free Space Isolators
  • ● Fiber-coupled Isolators
  • ● Fiber Terminators/Collimators
  • ● Line of Photodetectors


From industrial manufacturing to national labs and space ready systems, EOC leverages its unique combination of fiber and bulk optical design experience to serve as a valued technology partner across industries. 


EOC Solution for Lasers

Lasers  Wavelength

Free Space Rotators & Isolators

Fiber-to-Fiber & Fiber-to-Free Space Isolators Photo-detectors
PW & TW Laser Systems 700~1100
kW+ Solid State & Fiber Lasers 1000~1100  
Solid State Lasers (fs to CW) to 1 kW
Solid State Lasers (fs to CW) to 1 kW 1100~1700
Solid State Lasers(fs to CW) to 1 kW 515~700  
Solid State Lasers (fs to CW) to 1 kW 1700~2800  
Solid State Lasers (fs to CW) to 1 kW 350~515  
Yb, Er, & Tm Fiber Lasers 1064,1550, 1950~2050
Diode Lasers 350~1500  
QCLs  3200~10600    
CO? Lasers 9400~10600  




  • ● EOC has been manufacturing photodetectors since 1987
  • ● EOC’s photodetectors are used in laboratories around the world for pulse-width measurement and pulse profiling applications, such as monitoring the output of pulsed lasers, mode-locked lasers and externally modulated CW lasers 
  • ● All of EOC’s photodetectors are designed for ease of use, and are ready for the lab upon delivery


About photodetectors

  • ● A photodiode converts photons to electrons through the photovoltaic effect. EOC’s photodetectors consist of the photodiode, associated circuitry, a power supply, and housing.
  • ● Parameters of interest in the photodiode are photodiode material, active area, responsivity, rise time, fall time, bandwidth, and noise equivalent power (NEP).
  • ● The wavelength of the laser to be used will determine the photodiode material required. Silicon detectors (ET-2xxx and ET-4000) are used from 190 nm to 1100 nm, InGaAs detectors (ET-3xxx) from 900 nm to 1700 nm, GaAs detectors (ET-4000) from 400 nm to 900 nm, and 2um (ET-5000) from 1475 -2100nm.
  • ● The active area is where the photon/electron conversion takes place; it is generally circular in shape.  Ideally, the laser beam diameter should be a little smaller than the active area diameter to ensure maximum detector output.
  • ● Responsivity, in amps per watt (A/W), is the current output of the photodiode for a given input power, and is determined by the diode structure. Responsivity varies with wavelength and diode material.
  • ● The rise and fall times of a pulse are affected by the photodiode’s junction capacitance. A larger junction capacitance will slow the detector’s response time. This effect can be seen if the bias voltage is removed from an ET-2030: the falling edge of the pulse will stretch from about 10 ns to 50 ns.
  • ● The bandwidth and rise time can be approximately related by the equation: Bandwidth ≈ 0.35/Rise Time
  • ● NEP is a function of responsivity and dark current and is the minimum optical power needed for an output signal to noise ratio of 1. 





Brief Brolight- Compact Spectrometers and Optical Power meter Photonic Lattice- Polarizing Optical Components & Polarization High-Speed Camera Dataray- Beam Profilers HAAS- High power Laser beam Analyzer International Light - Light Meters / Radiometers / Spectrophotometers / Spectro-Radiometers EOC- Coherent- Photodetectors for pulse-width measurement
Contact Us
Hong Kong 

Phone:+ 852 2755 6578

Address:Room 68,1/F, Sino Industrial Plaza, 9 Kai Cheung Road,
Kowloon Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong


Phone:400 886 0017

Address:8 / F, No. 3, Magnolia Environmental Plaza, Lane 251,
Songhuajiang Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai

? 2011-Now A&P Instrument Co., Ltd. All rights reserved



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亚洲真爱av午夜片| 蜜臀AV在线无码国产| 欧美成人精品三级在线观看| 亚洲国产日韩a在线欧美www| 久久精品欧美日韩精品不卡| 暴力强奷在线播放视频 不卡| 日产精品一区到六区免费| 国产一级内射在线免费观看| 国产亚洲欧美在线专区| 精品亚洲成A人无码成A在线观看| 日本国产欧美色综合| 久久久久亚洲av成人网电影| 精品国产内射在线| 亚洲成人久久性| 久久久久久久曰本精品免费看| 99婷婷久久战| 久久亚洲精品中文字幕第一区| 亚洲伊人久久综合| 国产丝av一区二区三区性色| 伊人精品久久久久7777| 日韩一区精品视频在线看| 国产亚洲av免费app| 国产精品熟女人妻一区二区三区| 精品国产电影久久久久| 久久精品一区| 久久麻豆精品国产99国产精| 久久久亚洲av波多野结衣系列| 色黄视频极品国产| 国内精品久久久久影院蜜芽| 久久日日干夜夜| 手机毛片在线观看| 国产丝袜高跟在线| 激情娇喘呻吟抽搐高潮视频 | 日产精品久久久一区二区| 乱人伦人妻中文字幕无码| 色偷偷av一区二区三区| 激情五月婷婷乱| 欧美国产日本高清不卡免费| 亚洲精品手机在线观看| 久久99国产精品毛片| 国产自拍| 欧美一区二区黄色| 精品人妻av一级毛片免费| 精品国产九九99在线观看| 亚洲欧美另类专区| 久久人人爽片| 亚洲乱码国产乱码精品精天堂| 日本A级视频在线播放| 欧美电影成人午夜| 久久久久久久久久午夜精品| 婷婷激情五月综合| 激情熟女熟妇| 91亚洲导航深夜福利| 亚洲不卡av不卡一区二区| 国产野战无套av在线观看| 精品熟女一二三区| 色伊人亚洲乱码| 久久天堂av网站| 亚洲成av人无码不卡影片| 国产黑色丝袜有内视频在线看| 国产在线自线视频| 亚洲一区中字幕在线日产乱码| 激情一区二区在线免费观看| 亚洲国产AV无码一区二区三区| 国产精品四虎| 国产日韩欧美二区| 欧美一区二区三区成人免费看不卡| 人妻少妇久久久中文| 欧美精品午夜久久久久久| 国产亚洲制服无码中文| 97视频在线播放免费观看视频| 欧美精品一卡2卡3卡四卡| 亚洲s码国产精品| 精品国产96亚洲一区二区三区| 欧洲亚洲国产一区二区| 在线免费观看日韩伦理片| 日本国产在线视频| 国产片纯爱大片免费看| 国产精品日本亚洲777| 久久精品女人18毛片水| 亚洲码国产精品高潮在线| 久久夜色成人精品二区| 国内精品伊人影院| 国产乱人伦偷精品视频免f载| 国产最爽的乱淫视频国语对白1| 在线看片免费人成视频影院看| 狠狠色丁香九九婷婷综合五月| 欧美日韩在线一区二区视频| 久久久久久狠狠亚洲综合| 人妻精品综合一区二区乐播av| 青青草国产精品人人爱| 欧美亚洲日本视频| 国产卡1卡二卡3卡精品网站| 久久激情视频大片免费观看| 欧美白人乱大交bd| 亚洲乱亚洲乱妇无码麻豆| 国产夜视频在线观看| 美女黄频网站一区二区三区| 亚洲一区二区三区高清不卡 | 国产在线观看免费不急| 国产欧美视频综合二区| 亚洲成va人片在线观看免费| 亚洲卡一卡二卡三新区乱码| 欧美精品专区在线播放视频 | 日韩东京热无码人妻| 狠精品人妻一区二区三区四季av | AV无码东京热亚洲男人的天堂| 亚洲欧美精品一区| 亚洲特级黄色视频| 免费a级毛片18禁| 国产免费午夜福利在线播放| 国产亚洲一区二区三区精品网站| 久久精品久久久| 国产成人精品免费| 狠狠亚洲婷婷| 精品一卡2卡三卡四卡乱码再也| 精品午夜久久久久久| 国内免费一区二区三区视频| 精品国产一区二区三区电影| 91精品国产高清91久久久久久| 国产精品三级a| 国产伦精品一区二区三区女| 一本一本大道香蕉久在线精品| 午夜亚洲老司机| 久久国语精品| 欧美aⅴ精品一区二区三区1| 欧美成人免费观看aⅴ 在线播放| 性无码国产一区在线观看| 国产久久久久精品| 国产一区二区三区在线观看精品| 丁香五月亚洲综合在线国内自拍| 精午夜精品久久久久久久99精品| 欧美日韩大陆国产一区二区三区| 青青草原亚洲视频| 国产亚洲欧洲久久| 欧美人另类zz00zz00| 欧美日韩精品一区二区| 久久成人大香蕉| 日韩伦理片在线免费看| 一本久久a久久精品vr综合 | 精品综合久久久久久99| 精品国产一区二区三区在线观看| 久久久久久九九99精品| 国产精品国产三级欧美二区| 最新国产福利在线观看精品| 亚洲av成人久久久久| 亚洲午夜成激人情在线影院| 视频在线一区二区国产| 久久香蕉国产线看观看导航| 欧美另类偷拍一区二区| 国产精品丝袜久久久久久69| 亚洲乱熟无码| 97se亚洲国产综合自在线观看| 亚洲女黄色视频| 国产色电影亚洲| 免费黄色视频在线免费观看| 久久精品一区二区东京热 | 国产精准毛片久久久久久久av| 亚洲综合二区| 久久ww精品w免费人成| 久久久久国产精品人妻99| china中国人妻喷白浆| 精品国产三级在线观看网站| 日本一区视频在线播放| 国产精品天天看天天狠| 国偷自产有限公司视频| 国产激情久久久老熟女| 久久国语露脸国产精品电影| 日韩一区二区三区不卡视频| 国产精品一区二区含羞草| 久久国产精品美女久久久| 欧美在线一区视频| 亚洲高清美女一区二区三区| 国产精品自在自线亚洲| 精品成人一区二区三区四区| 欧美18@videosex欧美| 青春草在线视频国产| 久久九九精品国产综合喷水| 亚洲精品久久久久国产网站| 国产在线播放日韩欧美| 国产三级野战| 久久99国产综合精| 激情视频在线观看国产| 视频播放大片年人| 亚洲熟妇少妇一区二区三区| 精品人妻一区二区三区午夜| 国产精品亚洲综合久久| 亚洲国产精品久久| 国产小受呻吟gv视频在线观看| 青草久久精品| 精品少妇久久久久久888| 精品久久久久久国产免费| 日韩欧国产精品一区综合无码| 国产精品偷伦视频播放免费| 在线观看高清黄网站观看| 激情在线播放国产在线观看| 中文字幕成人免费高清在线视频| 欧美日韩精品一区二区另类| 日韩欧美在线观看91| 久久精品99国产精品| 欧美日韩一区二区视频免费看| 色综合久久中文| 亚洲欧美日韩精品久久亚洲区| 亚洲成无码人在线观看| 国产成人精品一区二区不卡| 无码视频国产精品一区二区| 国产精品VⅠ视频| 精液呈黄色正常吗?| 国产免费一区二区三区成人| 久久精品国产亚洲av久试看| 久久热在线精品视频观看| 狠狠综合久久久久综合网站| 国产精品欧美一区喷水| 国产口爆吞精在线视频| 加勒比东热激情无码专区| 久久久中文字幕91| 欧美激情一区二区三区四区| 人人澡人人透人人爽| 精品国产老女人| 成人免费的性色视频| 国产最爽的乱淫视频国语对白免费| 国产一级做a爰片在线看免费人妖 日韩精品一区二区三区国语自制 激情日韩欧美一区二区三区 | 国产日本欧美亚洲精品视| 欧美日韩一区二区视频免费看 | 精品国产免费一区二区三区,| 国产一区精品| 亚洲av无码一区东京热| 在线免费观看a视频| 在线a视频| 成人区人妻精品一区二区三区| 国产码欧美日韩高清综合一区| 成人免费视频在线播放| 高清无码在线网址| 精品高朝久久久久9999| 国偷精品在线观看| 久久久久久久精品成人热色戒汤唯| 在线日韩av免费观看| 国产一区二区导航入口| 国产乱视频网站| 欧美成人三级国产精品电影| 久久久久精品国产亚洲不卡| 亚洲乱淫av| 97国产精品国产品国语字幕| 欧美成人mm午夜视频在线播放| 91精品蜜臀一区二区三区在线| 欧美亚洲另类久久丝袜| 国内久久免费精品视频| 视频区图片区小说综合区| 国产最爽的乱淫视频国语对白免费 | 国内精品综合九九久久精品| 免费福利国产视频| 久久人人爽爽人人爽人人大爽软件| 亚洲 欧美 中文 日韩在线观看| 久久影视人人爽人人妻| 久久99青青精品| 久久ri精品高清一区二区三区| 久久精品人人做人人爱爱18禁| 久久色精品在线观看| 久久综合亚洲蜜臀av| 久久www成人免费电影| 国内精品国产三级国产aa| 国产精品白浆在线播放| 免费91麻豆天美精东蜜桃传媒| 国产精品熟女人妻一区二区三区| 精品国产乱码久久久久久ai| 色综合综合色综合色综合| 久久人搡人人玩人妻| 国产亚洲精品99久久婷婷色| sihu国产精品永久免费| 久久只有精品| 国产成人精品自线拍| 亚洲日韩一区二区三区波多野结衣 | 国产午夜精品免费一区二区三区| 人妻久久久精品99系列2021| 国产一区二区三区免费高清在线播放| 精品久久另类| 亚洲乱亚洲乱少妇无码| 国产亚洲欧美中文字幕在线| 浪潮av网站| 国产欧美乱码免费| 色8天天狠天天透天干天天怕| 国产亚洲人成无码网在线观看| 中文字幕一区二区三区精品| 国产精品视频大全| 九色精品国产亚洲av麻豆一欧美| 国产日韩亚洲精品免费| 亚洲av成人一区二区三区色| 国产旡码高清一区二区三区| 久久久97久久精品免费| 国产综合野战| 精品人伦一区二区三区蜜桃小说| 狠狠躁夜夜躁人人爽2018| 国产精品作爱| 国产精品一区二区三区导航| 欧美在线播放一区二区| 日本大乳奶水奶水春日在线观看| 精品在线播放av| 久久久久av网站| 国产专区亚洲欧美综合久久| 99精品视频在线观看婷婷 | 欧美午夜精品在线| 亚州综合激情另类久久久| 成年女人网站免费视频播放m| 国产精品三级男人的天堂| 日韩av三级在线| 国产亚洲人成网站天堂岛| 免费看tvb大片网站在线播放| 日韩成人福利视频在线观看| 国产成人精品亚洲77美女| 久久99精品国产99欠久久久久| 日韩电影在线不卡| 国产毛片黄色片| 亚洲国产成人av影院| 天堂AV无码大芭蕉伊人AV| 国产熟女一区二区三区十视频| 国产线免视频在线观看| 国产精品丝袜久久99| 久久久久久免费大片| 国产av色站网站| 国产精品免费视频能看| 日韩黄在线网址不卡免费观看| 九九久久国产精品麻豆| 亚洲春色在线| 久久久久精品人妻少妇| 精品久久久久一区二区国产| 无遮高潮国产免费观看| 九九精品久久久久久噜噜中文| 亚洲,欧美一区二区| 亚洲国家产日韩欧美高清不卡| 国产色乱码一区二区三区| 伊人激情在线| 免费国语视频| 蜜桃国产久久| 精品亚洲成av人在观看| 免费色av天堂| 欧美性生交一大片免费视频| 久久中文字幕一| 免费毛片性天堂| se01国产短视频在线观看| 日本免费一二区视频| 国产小呦泬泬99精品| 欧美日韩在线精品视频一区二区三区| 日韩国产欧美在线免费| 国产日韩综合| 蜜臀av性久久久久蜜臀aⅴ| 欧美日韩亚洲国产一级在线等| 91免费国产在线观看尤物| 欧美片欧美日韩国产综合片| 国产视频一区二区三区在线观看| 国产在线| 国产乱人在线观看| 福利一二三区| 久久中文字幕免费高清亚洲| 邪恶国产精品| 久久香蕉av吧| 天堂av日韩av无码av| 精品内射-av| 亚洲一区二区三区久久久久 | 久久久亚洲久久久| 成人精品一区二区久久久| 日韩精品国产精品欧美精品| 国产精品无码久久四虎| 日本高清专区一区二无线 | 偷柏自拍亚洲综合在线| 免费看片www观看| 在线播放一区二区| 国产一区二区 在线视频| 欧美日韩亚洲TV不卡久久| 日韩精品欧美精品亚洲一区 | 亚洲欧美第一页| 精品日韩人妻一区二区三区| 欧美日韩亚洲国产二区| 国产资源久久久精品| 中文字幕乱码一区三区免费| 天堂在/线中文官网8| 丁香色欲久久久久久综合网| 国产一级毛a看片一级毛免费| 国产av无码专区亚洲av手机麻豆| 国产在线一区二区三区观看 | 日韩欧美精品在线| 国产精品丝袜一区二区三区,| 狠狠精品久久久| 亚洲欧美日韩国产精品影院| 国产午夜亚洲精品理论片国产馆| 无码片区一区二区三区| 国产伦精品一区二区三区免费观看 | 欧美一区二区三区精品.人妻| 欧美日韩国产精品91| 丰满风骚熟妇| 国语自产免费精品视频一区二区| 久久久久久久免费高清| 欧美日韩中文一区| 国产在线观看香蕉视频| 久久人妻av系列| 狠狠人妻久久久久久综| 国产一区二区三区免费看| 亚洲av日韩av在线| 免费a级毛片18禁网站视频| 两个人看的WWW免费| 久久久久久91精品色婷婷| 伊人久久大香线蕉综合网| 亚洲中文精品久久久久久不卡| 无码一区二区| 九九精品在线免费观看| 精品人妻人人爽久久爽狠狠抢 | 精品国产中文在线二区三区四区 | 国产精品卡哇伊小可爱在线观看| 精品人妻一区二区三区入口| 免费网站 在线观看| 欧美不卡高清一区二区三区| 欧美成人精品三级网站| 日韩在线观看网站| 91av在线免费视频| 无码精品久久一区二区三区| 欧美日韩精品乱国产| 久久黄片哪里看| 欧美日韩一区二区激情综合| 亚洲一区二区三区在线成人| 国产三级在线观看完整版| 午夜dj视频免费视频在线观看| 免费在线观看中文| 久久精品夜色国产亚洲蜜臀| 在线视频a| 97男女视频在线观看| 亚洲AⅤ永久无码毛片牛牛影视| 亚洲国产精品久久www片| 国产日韩欧美大片在线观看| 久久 这里精品| 国产激情无码一区二区视频| 国产区精品系列在线观看在线| 免费1级做爰t片在线观看| 亚洲人成影院在线高清| 久久婷婷五月国产色综合| 色婷婷激情综合| 久久久久久精品免费免费麻辣| 天天色综| 少妇精品无码一区二区免费视频| 精品视频一区二区小说| 欧美成人一区电影| 青青草视频在线观看免费| 亚洲国产精品欧美一级| 精品亚洲国产成人AV| 精品一区二区三区人妻系列| 国产日韩亚洲精品免费 | 欧美精品久久久久久久大尺度| 亚洲熟女多毛露脸视频| 久久精品99精品国产亚洲性色| 国产看色免费| 免费蜜桃一区视频| 亚洲国产日韩精品一区二区三区| 国产真实伦在线观看| 狠狠躁中文字幕| 久久综合av色老头免费观看| 精品色综合| 中文字幕首页在线视频w045c0m| 欧美日韩精品一区二区三区高清视频| 色综合网址| 国产综合精品久久久久久| 免费国产视频在线观看| 日韩欧美三级在线| 亚洲欧美日韩精品专区52| 欧美专区视频| 精品久久久久久久婷婷| 狠狠久久久久久精品免费不卡小说| 国产一级特黄高清免费视频| 欧美在线播放h| 久久se精品一区精品二区国产| 日韩精品一区二区三区免费观看| 国产午夜精品一区理论片飘花 | 国产精品熟女亚洲一区| 日韩 欧美 在线播放| 国产亚洲欧美日韩综合图| www99热| 久久影院国产精品| 精品国产99久久久久| 亚洲美女黄色三级啪啪| 亚洲啪啪看看| 久久成人精品影院| 成人av在线一区二区三区| 欧美在线一级va免费观看| 久久一区视频| 人妻少妇精品福利| 久久se精品一区精品二区国产| 亚洲国产毛片| 久久久精品a级片| 欧美日韩一区二区三区免费| 精品一精品国产一级毛片| 久久久久久久久久久a| 亚洲第一男人天堂av| 黄色AV免费网站| 久久久精品久久久久三级 | 午夜久久久久久亚洲国产精品| 91精品欧美综合在线观看| 国产一区二区三区精品乱码不卡| AV中文无码韩国亚洲色偷偷| 中国丝袜无码一区二区| 亚洲精品第一国产综合亚AV| 亚洲精品综合色区| 国产区网址| 欧美中文字幕无线码视频| 亚洲高清免费在线观看| 欧美牲交a欧美牲交aⅴ免费| 精品一区二区三区蜜桃臀| 亚洲综合二区| 国产精品亚洲专区在线观看| 亚洲综合最新无码专区| 中文字幕精品一区| 99在线视频免费| 欧洲性爱毛片| 亚洲一区二区三区在线成人 | 精品久久久久久99人妻一| 久久99国产香蕉视频| 伊人久久大香线蕉综合高清| 国产不卡免费av| 免费观看又色又爽又黄的小视频 | 精品日产1卡2卡入口| 扒开双腿猛进入喷水高潮视频| 人妻丰满熟妇无码区免费| 波多野结衣网站WWW| AV一区二区三区| 97超在线视频| 国产精品原创久久| 国产一级内射在线| 国产人妻有码一区二区三区| 国产成人午夜福利r在线观看| 精品卡一卡三卡4卡免费| 精品国产一区二区三区影院| 欧美三级成人理伦| 久久国产视频一区| 在线毛片网站| 亚洲综合国产精品无码AⅤ| 亚洲熟女精品中文字幕| 免费观看女人高潮视频在线观看| 精品一区二区免费高清区在线看| 精麻豆亚洲av国产品∵美女| 精品国产一区二区三区四区97| 久久免费精品| 久久久精品国产亚洲av网10| 国产69成人精品视频免费| 国产对白刺激真实精品91| 国产亚洲AⅤ在线观看| 久久精品人人爽| 国产精品色综合久久| 玖草福利视频| 欧美国产综合日韩一区二区| 日本韩国欧美一区| 亚洲爆乳精品无码一区二区三区| 国产成人精品综合在线观看| 国产高清精品久久久久久久| 国内又猛又粗又硬又长又爽又黄的视频 | 国亚洲av片在线观看播放| 精品国语国产语在线观看| 亚洲熟妇av一区二区三区在线观看| 国产精品色婷婷久久99精品| 91情侣偷在线精品国产 | 下载一级黄片免费的| 国产精品原创福利电影网| 欧美日韩一二三四区| 四虎国产精品永久在线动漫| 日本精品视频一区| 亚洲高清午夜电影福利在线观看| 精品九九在线视频| 中文字幕无码一区二区三区四区| 日韩三级av| 人妻少妇精品久久久久一..| 精品国产一区二区三区不卡在线| 久久久精品区| 国产精品爆乳中文一区二区| 欧美国产成人综合视频在线播放| 精品口国产乱码久久久久久 | 无码av动漫免费播放| 国产精品视频福利首页| 日韩在线视频一区| 久久亚洲黄色网站| 思思久久96热在精品国产| 日韩av 大片在线| 亚洲一区二区三区播放在线| 少妇人妻无码精品视频| 国产精品又色又爽又黄 | 青青草视频在线观看免费观看| 久久久久网视频| 国产日韩一区在线播放| 亚洲精品一区二区三区在线| 亚洲综合一区二区三区无码 | 加勒比色老久久综合网| 精品视频在线观看av| 国产卡一卡二卡| 国产精品一区二区三区高清在线| 国产精品老妇av视频| 免费久久人人爽人人爽 | 久久福利青草精品资源站免费| 人妻无码久久久久久久久久久| 欧美一区二区日韩国产| 国产片av在线| 亚洲Aⅴ综合网| 国产精品nv在线观看| 免费毛片完整在线观看 | 成人精品一区二区三区在线播放| 久久www免费人成看片高清 | 国产日韩aaaa| 欧美精品一区二区精品久久| 国产成人av综合久久不卡| 久久亚洲精品无α√| 欧美熟妇sex18p| 国产欧美视频一区二区三区| 日韩一区视频在线| 免费a一级18禁久久毛片| 日韩精品福利视频一区二区三区| 精品久久久久久久久久粉嫩av| 国产麻豆午夜av| 久久精品中文字幕| 免费观看成年人网站| 国产一卡2卡3卡4卡5卡免费| 97se亚洲综合| 久久riav免费中文字幕| 99精品国产一区二区三区| 久久 国产 精品| 久久日韩第一页| 伊人久久大香线蕉AV五月天| 国语自产拍在线视频中文| 国产精品麻豆成人av电影| 国产一区二区在线免费观看| 国产一二三四区在线观看| 国产欧美精品综合一区 | 亚洲卡通动漫另类一区二区| 久久久久久av资源| 交换朋友夫妇的快乐2| 精品亚洲欧美视频在线观看| 日韩欧美一区二区三区在线播放 | 狠狠久久久久久综合成人精品| 欧美在线一区二区三区欧美| 久久婷人人澡人爽人人喊| 久久影院无防备人妻| 国产在线观看视频黄色| 精品午夜福利片在线观看| 亚洲免费国产| 久久精品免费观看国产| 日韩精品毛片| 免费国产精品久久久一区二区三区| 国产aⅴ激情无码久久| 国产精品视频在线一区二区| 免费黄色短视频网站| 久久久久成人国产亚洲av| 国产成人亚洲精品| 久久精品国产99国产小说| 无码福利写真片视频在线播放| 精品成人日韩区| 国产00高中生在线视频| 国产亚洲欧美精品免费观看| 日本人色频在线看观| 久久亚洲国产欧洲精品一| 韩国日本高潮| 九一国产精品久久| 久久99色精品一区二区| 毛片一级精油按摩无码| 亚洲在中文字幕乱码熟女| 国产日韩欧美一区二区精品 | 国产精品国产三级国产av中文| 久久久久久久精品毛片女人| 人人人妻人人澡人人爽欧美一区| 国产精品一区二区三区免费播放 | 久久精品一区二区三区亚洲小说| 免费国产高清精品一区在线| 国产一国产AA毛片| 亚洲国产一级片在线| 欧美一区二区三区免费播放| 久久中文字幕人妻| 欧美.亚洲.日本一区二区三区| 极品粉嫩小仙女自慰喷水 | 久久婷婷五月国产色综合| 久久久久精品国产首页免费| 国产情品国产三级国| 欧美xxx入| 人妻系列无码专区久久五月天| 国产午夜精品久久久久久久| 日韩专区视频| 婷婷色爱区综合五月激情韩国| 日本国产一区二区三区| 在线免费观看爱片| 久久成年美女黄网站18禁免费| 日本免费视频一二三区| 国产a v欧美| 亚洲熟妇少妇一区二区三区| 免费又粗又黄又硬又爽大片| 国产最精品久久久999视频 | 国产午夜亚洲精品国产 | 亚洲高清国产精品嫩草影院| A级毛片免费| 精品国产乱码久久久久a| 久久av人人爽| 国产XXXX99真实实拍| 久久精品一区别| 欧美17—18处交| 中文字幕成人免费高清在线| 日韩欧美国产一区二区| 国产三级小视频在线播放完整版| 国产二区午夜电影网| 欧美成人一区二区啪啪| 久久国内精品自在自线观看 | 久久精品人人妻| heyzo无码综合国产精品| 久久国产精品.| 精品无码中出一区二区| 五月婷中文字幕| 激情黄色成人在线视频| 日本,18禁电影| 精品亚洲成人影院| 人妻精品久久中文字幕69| 无码人妻精品一区二区三| 亚洲a黄片,完整版免费观看| 欧美国产成人久久精品直播| 亚洲视频在线观看| 久久国产精品色图| 亚洲欧美日韩一区成人| 欧美国产成人久久精品| 国产自拍在线观看av| 久久精品伊人狠狠大香网| 亚洲v日本v欧美v综合v| 国产精品天天在线| 婷婷激情字目| 亚洲欧美成人综合网| 亚洲欧美另类在线丝袜| 欧美xxxxx性视频| 日本A级视频在线播放| 免费观看男女午夜视频| 日韩精品一区二区三区在线电影| 久久精品国产亚洲av吃奶| 亚洲av国产yy8060| 久草福利在线观看| 精品福利在线观看播放| 精品一区二区三区av天堂| 久久99精品国国产精品| 色狠狠狠狠综合影视| 97欧美精品激情在线观看最新| 精品一区二区三区在线播放| 免费视频靠逼黄片户外| 免费看片www观看| 777色狠狠一区二区三区香蕉| 久久久久久亚洲av| 狠狠色丁香久久婷婷综| 国产精品三级快看| 精品一区二区三区蜜桃臀| 无码av专区丝袜专区| 亚洲一卡2卡三卡4卡四卡691| 亚洲成a人v欧美综合天堂| 久久国产欧美日韩精品| 久久久久久青草| 中文字幕在线久热精品| 国内精品久久人妻无码大片| 久久 国产精品 一区二区三区| 美女mm131爽爽爽作爱视频| 中文字幕国产亚洲| 亚洲欧美在线视频观看| 成人又黄又爽又色的网站| 国产精品视频观看| 国产99久久久国产无需播放器 | 久久亚洲精品国产精品婷婷| 亚洲一区自拍高潮喷水| 国产对白刺激真实精品91| 国产乱码日韩一区二区三区| 免费在线影片观看| 欧美视频一区二区| 一个人看片视频www| 色亚洲成人16p图片| 免费在线中文字幕视频| 国产精品亚洲a在线观看| 免费在线观看欧美日韩| 青草青视频在线免费观看| 波多野结衣网站WWW| 国产av无码专区亚洲av手机麻豆| 亚洲无线码高清在线观看| 久久久久无码国产精品一区 | 亚洲av色香蕉一区二区蜜桃| 亚洲av电影免费播放| 999久久久无码国产精品| 在线观看中文字幕| 久久产精品一区二区三| 久久久久国产乱码久久| 欧美成人国产| 欧美色高清视频在线播放| 久久久久久人妻一区二区| 久久国产欧美一区二区精品| 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亚洲国产精品久久精品成人网站| 国产成人无码高清免费视频| 久久综合九色欧美综合狠狠| 一区在线播放| 精品人妻伦一二三区久久斗罗| 国产高清在线精品一区二区| 日美无码毛片| 国产手机在线看片| 国产一级毛片在线| 国产日韩精品福利视频综合| 久久国产情侣露脸精品av| 国产精品一区aa福利视频| 亚洲熟妇av一区二区三区在线观看 | 四虎成人精品一区二区免费网站| 免费观看午夜不卡视频| 午夜免费的国产片在线观看| 久久精品蜜桃国产一区绯色 | 伊人网综合在线观看| 欧美高清在线视频一区二区| 久久99热免费精品| 午夜免费啪在线观看视频| 久久精品伊人狠狠大香网| 欧美亚洲日本国产综合网| 久久久国产精品一区二区18禁| 久久亚洲精品玖玖玖玖| 国产黑色丝袜网站在线观看| 免费毛片爽视频| 日韩精品一区二区三区不卡| 久久99久久福利视频| 久久久久久精品女人国产毛片一 | 国产在线精品导航| 欧美日韩国产二区一区| 国产精品亚洲综合久久小说| 亚洲av优女天堂熟女在线| 成人无码免费视频| 亚洲一区视频在线播放| 天天躁日日躁狠狠躁一区 | 日韩欧美亚洲视频在线观看| 日产精品卡2卡三卡4www| 国产亚洲一区二区免费| 一本久久精品一区二区| 伊人色综合琪琪久久社区| 精品国产视频免费观看| 欧美疯狂牲交xxxxx视频 | 97色精品视频在线观看| 久久中文人妻字幕| 99久久精品午夜一区二区| 国产精品亚洲片在线观看不卡| 国产成人精品免费视频大全| 2021最新久久久视精品爱| 欧美日韩一二区| 国产真实乱人在线视频| 国产色婷婷精品综合在线观看| 精品久久久久久亚洲综合网| 18禁止观看强奷免费国产大片| 国产色黄网站| 国产一级特黄高清免费视频| 日本久久久久精品免费网播放| 精品日产卡乱码怎么办| 亚洲欧美人妖另类激情综合区| 欧美牲交xxxxx| 最新国产精品拍自在线播放| 久久久人妻中文字幕一区二区| 欧美日韩一二区| 国产精品视频久久久| 乱码日韩欧美| 亚洲高清一区二区在线观看| 国产精品成年片在线观看| 国产一区在线视频观看| 国产女精品视频网站免费蜜芽| 国产视频日韩欧美日本人| 九九久久久久午夜精选| 国精无码欧精品亚洲一区| 九九视频精品免费在线观看| 亚洲av优女天堂熟女在线| 国产精品一区二区三区极品av| 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国产对白刺激真实精品91| 国产视频午夜福利在线观看| 狠狠躁夜夜躁人人爽2018| 国产成人精品自线拍| 国产精品久久久久av福利动漫| 久久久99久久国产| 国产日韩欧美午夜| 免费观看日韩三级网址| 久久字幕中文| 日韩h视频| 国产一级内射在线免费观看| 大香伊蕉在人线国产最新75| 亚洲人成在线18禁| 国产精品一区视频看看| 国产午夜精品香蕉视频| 日韩精品一区二区三区免费视频 | 免费网站在线观看aⅴ| 99这里精品| 国产视频一区二区三区四区五区| 蜜臀av 国内精品久久久| 国产线免视频在线观看| 国产午夜亚洲精品国产成人小说| 亚洲av无码精品色午夜app| 精品久久伊人中文字幕| 久久精品日韩在线观看| 精品久久卡一卡二拓展卓越| 久久国产精品综合久久| 国产精品水蜜桃视频| 久久久久久久久久热| 国产人成无码视频在线app软件| 久久精品国产欧美a| 久久久久久久久久99精品| 精品日产卡一卡二卡麻豆| 精品久久综合亚洲欧美久久 | 欧美亚洲精品一区二区| 欧美成人免费观看aⅴ 在线播放| 国产精品永久久久久久久久久| 久久99精品久久久久久国产免费| 国内精品不卡一区二区三区| 久热精品在线看| 暴力强奷在线播放视频不卡| 亚洲一区中字幕在线日产乱码| 亚洲国产另类久久久精品| 国产福利99| 国产精品爽爽ⅴa在线观看| 久久99精品国产麻豆婷婷| 99久久国产成人免费网站| 欧美性猛交xxxx乱大交丰满o | 天天躁日日躁狠狠躁2018| 日韩avav色| 亚洲第一区视频在线观看| 日产不卡1卡2卡三卡2021免费| 亚洲在av极品无码高清| 国产成人无码免费视频在线| 免费看黄色a级片| 中文国产成人精品久久不卡| 国产片mp4| 岛国精品一区免费视频在线| 国产精品揄拍一区二区| 久久国产一区二区精品| 免费看的在线视频| 最新中文字幕一区| 亚洲av大尺度在线| 欧美v日韩v国产在线| 99国精品自拍偷| 亚洲色欲在线播放一区| 男人av无码天堂| 久久久久亚洲AV成人网人人| 亚洲无av码一区二区三区| 亚洲亚洲人成网站| 国产AAAAAA一级毛片| 久久婷人人澡人爽人人喊| 国产精品一区二区三区免费| 国内精品久久久久久影院中文字幕| 老子影院午夜伦不卡亚洲欧美| 亚洲午夜福利av一区二区无码| 亚洲中字幕| 欧美激情一区二区久久久| 99热这里只有精品国产99热门精品 | 久久国产精品亚洲一区二区| 免费成人久久网站| 国内久久婷婷精品 | 无码专区人妻系列日韩精品少妇| 人人天天夜夜曰曰狠狠狠肉感| 国内精品久久人妻无码网站| 国产区一区二区免费视频| 中文字幕乱偷无码AV先锋蜜桃 | 色成人亚洲| 成人无码区免费a片视频| 97超碰中文字幕久久精品| 少妇久久久久久久久久| 国产又粗又爽又大又长免费视| 亚卅AV午夜网| 久久久99成人精品免费| 国产熟女自拍av网站 | 免费观看欧美色| 精品黑人xxx一区一二区| 精品人伦一区二区三区蜜桃小说| 国内自拍网红在综合图区| 欧美性猛交99久久久久99| 国产午夜福利在线观看视频| 秋霞鲁丝片无码AV| 亚洲午夜久久久影院伊人| 亚洲熟女少妇精品| 无码麻豆国产精品| 久久中文字幕1| 国产精品熟女av| 久久久久久久久久久丝袜国产精品 | 久久亚洲国产综合av| 国产一区2区在线观看| 免费在线观看成人| 国产在线观看激情电影视频网站| 精品一区在线| 99久久精品熟女亚洲av| 久久人妻少妇| 国产亚洲成人久久| 亚洲国产AV无码一区二区三区| 夜夜高潮天天爽欧美| 国产乱人精品| 欧美日韩国产精品91| 免费黄片| 天堂AV无码大芭蕉伊人AV| 欧美日本免费一区二| 国产精品亚洲av蜜桃三区| 日韩三级伦理片在线观看| 国产午夜精品一区二区| 精品视频在线观看av| 国产成人精品在线| 久久99精品综合久久久久久婷婷| 国产一区二区免费成人| 久久一区国产精品电影| 亚洲毛片一级av| 亚洲国产另类久久久精品极度| 天堂中文资源在线| 国产精品免费久久久免费| 成人福利视频| 久久久久久久精品国产亚洲88| 国产黄在线观看免费播放| 精品国产一区二区三区不卡在线| 免费AV手机在线观看片| 国产日产欧美精品一区二区三区 | 国产精品国产三级国产专播| 久久九九有精品国产23百花影院 | 日本黄色一区| 狠狠躁日日躁夜夜躁2020老妇 | 久久av亚洲中文| 国产欧美一区二区精品福利视频| 视频二区中文字幕| 高潮毛片无遮挡高清免费| 日产精品卡2卡三卡四卡| 国产水蜜桃桃子约1kg| 久久精品国产成人AV| 国产欧美日韩精品一区二| 欧美激情一区二区三区中文字幕| 欧美亚洲综合日韩| 日韩av在线国产一区| 久久一区视频| 天天视频国产精品| 久久久久久久高潮| 在线成欧美成人a| 国产免费的黄色一级无遮挡网站| 在线观看你懂得一区二区三区| 99久久精品99999久久| 久久人妻精品一区| 精品国产综合久久久久久| 亚洲视频在线观看| 亚洲黄片免费一区二区| 一本久久综合亚洲鲁鲁五月天 | 免费视频成人网| 久久99精品久久久久久性| 亚洲乱亚洲乱少妇无码| 国内一级毛片视频| 国产欧美日韩久久精品| 国产三级亚洲精品| 综合激情区视频一区视频二区| 伊人网综合在线| 久久久久久精品17| 国产一区二区亚洲人妻精品视频| 一级一级人与动毛片| 久久久亚洲精品乱码一区| 久久热精品推荐| 国产高清自产拍AV首页| 国产最爽的乱淫视频国语对白1| 亚洲最大无码AⅤ在线观看| 免费看高清黄a级毛片人妻| 日韩精品999| 人妻少妇乱子伦无码视频专区| 久久久久久久久精品午夜免费福利| 国产欧美日本在线观看| 国内精品久久久久久久影视麻豆 | 午夜精品久久久久久99热7777| 日韩高清在线视频观看| 欧美色淫视频免费| 久久精品国产亚洲高桥圣子 | 国产真实精品久久二三区| 久久久久一区二区三区精品| 国内精品久久久久久av大片| 亚洲失禁一区二区| 久久中文字幕| 久久精品国产亚洲7777小说| 欧美性猛交99久久久久99| 国产精品久久久久久久久久久久 | 激情六月综合国产精品| 亚洲中文字幕a在线看| 国内精品人妻在线中文字幕| 国产专区影院在线| 国内精品久久久久影院日本| 精品国产999免费电影| 91香蕉国产在线观看免费永久| 亚洲精品成人中文字幕在线观看 | 国产精品午夜福利电影网站| 国产精品福利一区在线观看| 亚洲AV无码成人精品区天堂| 国产精品亚洲av| 午夜欧美日韩| 国产在线观看视频在线| 日本免费极度色诱福利视频| 免费a级毛片18禁| 国内精品久久久久影院老司| 欧美日韩一区二区三精彩视频| 亚洲中文字幕a在线看| 久久大香蕉草免费看视频| 欧美人与动人物在线| 免费人成视频x8x8入口a| 性色AV无码无在线观看| 国产亚洲婷婷99精品91| 久久热精品视频免费观看| 国产欧美亚洲另类第一页| 国产乱人伦免费视频观看| 日韩乱码人妻无码中文字幕久久| 国产日韩欧美视频成人| 久久亚洲成人| 欧美日韩网站免费在线观看| 欧美日韩国产亚洲三级理论片| 在线a视频| 日韩av在线观看国产精品| 亚洲欧洲日产无码综合| 亚洲福利秒拍一区二区| 国产精品一区不卡| 国产午夜人做人免费视频网站| 亚洲综合色88综合天堂| 久久播国产精品| 久久一本色道综合| 国产精品免费看久久久青青| 精品乱码av一区二区在线| 青青草国产精品人人爱| 国产在线小视频| 亚洲综合激情九月婷婷| 久久的这里只有精品| 国产日韩一区在线播放| 伊人蕉影院久亚洲高清| 久久人人爽爽爽人久久久| 免费av网站永久免费| 美女 两个人的视频免费观看| 亚洲成+人综合欧美| 亚洲综合色88综合天堂| 久久99亚洲精品久久| 麻豆国产av男优征选麻豆村| 久久国产视频网站| 亚洲国产成人久久综合一| 国内精品一线二线三线| 久久久久夜夜夜精品国产| 久久综合一区二区三区| 2022国产情侣真实露脸在线| 久久国产免费| 九九热免费黄色视频| 国产在线观看免费视频播放 | 午夜蜜桃视频在线观看| 国产精品免费| 久久久精品国产亚洲av网10| 久久99这里只有精品国产| 精品导航无良导航樱桃导航入口 | 久久嫩草影院最新网址| 国产午夜精品香蕉视频| 国产免费久久久久久人妻| 亚洲欧美日韩国产二区| 久久久日韩精品一区二区| 国产一级毛片久久久久久精品| 免费午夜无码视频在线观看| 久久人人爽爽爽人久久久 | AV福利在线观看| 亚洲AV无码专区国产乱码不卡| 国产亚洲av人片在线观看| 欧美 日韩 国产 在线观看 | 久久久成人精品日韩一区二区三区| 精品国产一区二区在线| 国产一区二区精品久久| 精品欧美日韩亚洲| 久久这里有精品免费视频| 青青青国产精品国产精品美女| 亚洲97在线视频| 视频一区二区欧美日韩在线| 国产精品色哟哟av一区二区| 国产乱码日韩一区二区三区| 国产aV无码片毛片一级| 久久香蕉国产视频| 国产亚洲成性色av人片在线观| 欧美v日韩v亚洲v在线观看| 国产免费人成视频在线播放播| 国内精品久久久久久免费| 久久久久久网站观看| 久久久免费电影网| 国产精欧美一区二区三区 | 免费在线观看国产成人av| 欧美亚洲国产片| 国产,欧美,日韩,亚洲| 日韩AV网站在线播放黑人| 久久国产热99| 国产在线亚洲| 久久久久久精品免费中文版| 一区二区三区四区中文字幕有码| 国产精品s色| 日韩经典欧美精品一区| 老司机久久一区二区三区| 久久久久久免费女人体| 国产成人综合久久免费| 青青草原亚洲国产| 激情五月婷婷乱| 精品卡一卡2卡三卡牛牛| 久久亚洲精品无α√| 久久亚洲精品人| 国内揄拍99国内精品人妻久久| 欧美精品-色哟哟| 精品国产电影av| 久久夜夜| 国产第一页视频| 国产精品一国产精品| 欧美一区一区三区精品99| 久久99国产一区二区三区| 精品国产乱码久久久久久| 99在线精品视频免费观里| 日韩欧美亚洲国产一区二区| 人妻无码久久久久久久久久久| 精品成人一区二区三区四区| 激情少妇av| 免费国产黄网站在线观看可以下载| 欧美精品一区二区三区免费| 精品国产成人三级在线观看| 免费观看a级毛片电影| 国产JJZZ视频JJZZ| 997久久国产| 国偷自产av一区二区三区| 久久996国产精品免费| 国产最新av在线观看不卡| 久久人人爽人人爽人人片av东| 国产最新精品福利在线观看| 国产精品人妻系列久久99| 免费的十八禁网站| 久久精品黄片免费| 九九久久国产精品免费视频 | 人妻熟女一区二区在线观看| 久久成人免费精品视频在线观看| 久久久久久久精品国裸体舞| 国产福利免费视频| 99热精品一区| 国产精品调教在线观看| 国肉精品国产三级国产av| 日本18+在线观看| 欧美性野久久久久久久久| 国产精品一区aa福利视频| 久久久国产精品小美女| 人妻熟女视频一区二区免费 | 色综合天天综合狠狠爱_| 久久精品福利| 波多野结衣高清无码在线| 亚洲熟女少妇精品| 亚洲精品一线天粉嫩白浆| 成人a级视频在线播放| 四虎影视214hu永久免费观看| 97在线视频免费人妻| 色偷偷激情日本亚洲一区二区| 无码国产精品一区二区免费13| 激情国产欧美| 殴美VA中文字幕| 久久精品国产精品亚洲综合| 亚洲性无码av中文字幕| 四虎成人精品永久免费av| 日韩精品久久久免费观看| 中文字幕日韩精品中文区| 精品久久精品久久精品| 飘雪电视电影网影院神马影院| 欧美喷潮水XXXX| 精品少妇人妻av无码专区| 国产av无码专区亚洲av毛片搜| 午夜精品无人区乱码1| 国色天香天天影院综合网| 无码精品久久久久精品免费| 国产精品观看在线亚洲人成网| 久热中文字幕在线精品观| 精品国产一区二区三区不卡蜜臂| 亚洲а∨天堂2019无码| 99久久久国产精品免费不卡 | 久久好婷婷网| 久久久久久久久蜜桃| 在线日韩一区| 九九久久久久午夜精选| 亚洲午夜免费视频| 亚洲综合自拍第一页| 97久久人人超碰国产精品| 日产精品久久久一区二区| 亚洲av无卡| 久久av福利| 精品国产人成人亚洲| 欧美日本一道高清二区三区| 精品人妻久久久久久中文字幕| 国产亚洲欧洲精品一区| 久久精品国产亚洲av麻豆艾秋| 九九在线观看精品国产| 国产午夜理论高清不卡视频 | 欧美日韩国产综合三区| 久久久日韩久久久精品乱码网站| 久久av无套av高潮av老年人| 尤物蜜芽AV手机在线| 国产成人v在线免播放观看| 青青草原地址| 国产丝袜一区二区三区在线观看 | 国产大片一级二级| 日韩欧美精品一| 国产人妻人伦| 玖玖国产| 亚卅AV午夜网| 免费观看欧美色| 精品无码中出一区二区| 精品免费视频99| 久久综合九色综合桃花| 天堂av无码大芭蕉伊人av孕妇| 精品人妻中文字幕一区二区三区| 精品国产一区二区三区在线蜜| 久久热精品视频免费观看| 国产高清成人av在线播放| 欧美日韩一区二区三区www| 国产中文字幕一区| 亚洲一区二区三区同男男| 免费网站在线观看aⅴ| 精品亚洲欧美高清| 欧美日韩免费一区二区在线观看 | 国产在线观看香蕉视频| 欧美日韩免费一区二区在线观看| 欧美激情视频一区二区三区| 被弄出白浆喷水了视频| 欧美日韩视频在线一区二区| 久久精品麻豆婷婷| 亚洲精品无码成人片久久| 久久99九九精品久久久久齐齐| 久久 99 国产精品| 自拍偷拍欧美日韩| 国产三级剧情精品| 国产在线精品一区二区三区不卡| 亚洲高清国产精品嫩草影院| 911亚洲精品国内自产| 欧美人xx视频| 久久亚洲一区二区| 精品人妻av在线免费观看| 国产色综合中文字幕| 欧美色插视频| 国产欧美精品av在线播放| 国产区精品系列在线观看不卡| 国产成人精品免费久久| 精品久久久久久无码人妻热| 精品成人在线手机免费av| 日本精品一区二区三区在线视频一| 国产亚洲婷婷99精品91 | 久久电影网蜜桃中文字幕| 日产一二三四区在线| 日韩亚洲AV无码一区二区三区| 日韩.欧美.国产.无需播放器 | 中文字幕欧美亚洲| 99热国内精品| 国产精品每日更新在线观看| 久久国产精品77777| 国产一区二区高清视频女| AV在线播放WWW啦啦啦| 亚洲一级aⅴ无码毛片中文国产 | 伊人久久大香线蕉综合网| 国产一国产寡妇一级毛片| 免费的国产黄色视频| 久久av无套av高潮av| 美女裸全无遮挡免费视频| 国产欧美乱码免费| 久久人人97摸| 国产一区二区三区久久久免费| 国产色视频一区二区三区| 亚洲夜夜性无码| 九色porny丨国产首页注册| 久久精品欧美日韩精品不卡| 久久久久久人妻一区精品| 国产欧美丝袜高跟在线| 欧美亚洲精品av一区二区三区| 国产成人精品在线观看| 99热这里只有精品3| 国产精品国产三级在线专区| 国产日韩欧美一区二区在线视频| 国产91精品在线| 无码不卡AV东京热毛片| 国产亚洲一区在线| 国产一区h在线| 国产亚洲精品aaaa片蜜臀| 国内精品自产拍在线观看蜜臀| 亚洲欧美一区二区| 久久国产精品亚洲大片| 日韩av福利免费在线观看| 97公开免费视频| 成人国产精品视频| 国产草莓精品国产AV片国产| 国产乱人伦精品一区二区三区四区| 欧美日韩国产在线人成| 999国内精品永久免费观看| 一区二区日韩五码在线观看| 欧美日韩在线观看区一二| 亚洲欧美日韩在线一区二区三区| 国产在线精品观看一区二区| 国产一级爱做片视频免费观看| 99久久国产成人免费网站| 亚洲精品欧美精品国产精品| 亚洲精品毛片久久| 黄色视频免费看高清无马赛克| 久久a大片免费看| 久久久久国产精品区一区二区三| 国产区网址| 99久久国产综合精品免费看 | 亚洲精品精品2024久久人人爱| 国产超碰av| 国产伦子沙发午休| 九色porny视频网站在线观看| 亚洲4438x| 宅男国内在线观看无码| 一区二区在线观看视频| 国产精品丝袜一区二区三区| 国产欧美精品av在线播放| 婷婷综合缴情亚洲狠狠| 国产午夜精品一二区理论影院 | 精品国产亚洲电影| 免费午夜毛片av| 国产精品免费播放| 精品特级一级毛片免费观看 | 无码精品A片一区二区| 久久久久久精品网| 国产精品色婷婷久久99精品| 亚洲一区2区三区4区5区| 亚洲色大成网站www韩国| 无码人妻久久一区二区三区| 色婷婷av一区二区三区在线观看| 久久99国内精品自在现线| 久久精品国产亚洲不av麻豆小说| 亚洲av综合色区无码一区爱av| 国产一级av片在线观看| 亚洲国产精品乱码久久久软件| 国产一区二区三区熟女| 欧美电影成人午夜| 日日操夜夜添| 无码av在线a∨天堂毛片| 久久久国产精品,| 日韩欧美亚洲综合网| 中文字幕在线永久观看| 日本激情网站视频| 欧美成人三级国产精品电影| 视频一区二区免费| 国内精品久久久久久中文字幕| 日韩精品中文字幕一区二区三区 | 欧美成人免费在线观看视频 | 精品一区二区三区国产大片在线看 | 精品人妻一区二区三区午夜| 国产专区亚洲欧美综合久久| 欧美成人影院一区二区三区| 国内免费一级毛片| 久久成人免费精品视频在线观看| 国产色婷亚洲99精品av网站| 国产a视频精品免费观看| 波多野结衣电影一区| 日韩人妻中文无码一区二区三区| 成年美女视频网站免费大全| 国肉精品国产三级国产av| 精品国产成人久久久| 亚洲欧美日韩国产色另类| 国产精品自产拍在线观看xxxx| 久久成人亚洲电影| 午夜视频超色| 免费一级做a爰片性色毛片软件| 精品国产福利一区二区在线| 免费观看欧美黄色网站| 欧美国产成人久久精品| 在线中文字幕有码中文| 国产精品国产三级国产专播| 永久免费不卡在线观看黄网站 | 国内精品自产拍在线观| 国产精品三级三级| 精品福利片在线观看亚洲av| 久久精品这里只有精品这里| 日本久久一区二区| 日韩a v中文字幕| 激情国产对白在线视频| 精品 亚洲 欧美 高清| 精品 在线 一区二区三区| 天堂新版中文在线最新版| 久草热播视频在线观看 | 国产激情久久久久成熟影院| 欧洲免费无线码一二区| 日韩成人av一区二区三区| 久久精品国产亚洲av麻豆.| 91国产av精品| 欧美韩国日本一区| 国产亚洲一区不卡久久久| 免费一区区三区四区| 国产欧美激情av1区2区| 国产婷婷久久网| 国内精品视频一区二区三区我不卡 | 日韩欧美极品| 亚洲成aⅴ人在线电影| 免费成年人视频| 精品久久久久久久久久岛国| 久久精品国产亚洲av麻豆| 精品亚洲A∨一区二区三区| 久久成人影院精品99| 亚洲熟妇av| 免费一级做a爰片久久毛片潮| 亚洲成人77777| 色94色欧美sute亚洲线路一| 久77精品免费视频| 国产精品18久久久久久软件| 日本免费一区二区三区视频 | 日韩在线aaaa| 久久精品国产只有精品日日66| 精品酒店的特点| 国产亚洲欧美精品免费观看| 久久精品国产亚洲av麻豆软件| 国产精品综合一区二区在线观看| 美女胸18下看禁止免费视频| 女性高爱潮aa级视频在线观看| 精品一区二区三区av天堂| 久久av 一区二区三区懂色| 久久91精品久久久久久蜜桃| 亚洲激情av片在线观看| 久久天天躁狠狠躁夜夜夜| 久久精品午夜视频| 国产一区二区视频免费| 久久久久精品免费影视| 国产精品一区在线观看| 久久精品黑丝| 激情综合视频一区二区三区| 精品影院久久久久久| 亚洲欧美天堂| 中文字幕AV一区二区三区| 精品日韩第1页| 在线男人的电影| 免费av亚洲国产在线| 蜜桃在线精品视频| 国产美女在线精品免费观看| 国产九色在线| 日韩黄色视频免费网址| 亚洲v日本v欧美v久久精品| 国产成人一区二区三区| 欧美日韩精品一区二区三区,在线观看 | 九九视频在线精品看看| 国产亚洲精品aa午夜观看| 国产色婷婷精品综合在线观看| 99久久大香伊蕉在人线国产 | 久久99精品国产99欠久久久久| 精品久久国产二区| 国产乱人伦av片夜夜嗨| 激情婷婷基地| 久久久久久久av母乳妻| 国产亚洲成人久久| 亚洲av无一区二区三区| 国产精品一区二区久久精品| 国产亚洲欧美中文字幕在线| 人妻中字视频中文乱码| 精品免费久久久久影院| 国产在线高清理伦片a| 国产亚洲午夜精品a一区二区| 欧美精品一区二区三区免费| 日本精品人妻一区二区三区四区| 久久婷婷亚洲综合| 国产成人精品免费视频大全| 亚洲av.播放| 911亚洲精品国内自产| 亚洲精品一区二区久久| 久久国产精品久久99蜜桃| 国产亚洲精品av久久久久久久| 久久夜色精品亚洲噜噜国| 国产欧美精品视频免费视频| 亚洲国产精品久天堂不卡久久| 国产最新视频| 婷婷综合久久中文字幕蜜桃三| 日韩在线一区二区三区| 五月婷婷视频| 精品久久av人妻| 国产一区二区精品不卡| MM131国产精品| 精品人伦一区二区三区蜜桃| 欧美日韩中文一区| 特级做A爰片毛片免费看无码 | 免费a级毛片18禁网站app| 久久久久久这里有精品| 国产精品久久久久精品…| 国产97在线视频| 日韩黄在线网址不卡免费观看| 精品人妻av波多野结衣| 久久人妻少妇嫩草a| 久久国产精品免费网站| 精品一区二区久久久久久久网站| 国内精品卡1卡2卡| 国内精品在线免费视频| 欧美综合国产| 欧美日韩国产免费一区二区三区| 九九热这里只有精品在线观看视频 | 福利一二三区| 亚洲国产精品自在线一区二区| 欧美人体一区二区三区视频| 1024在线视频精品观看| 久久精品人人妻| 91香蕉国产在线观看免费永久| 亚洲av情色网| 丁香五月缴情综合网| 精品国产三级99久久| 神马影院在线观看| 亚洲黄色美女视频嗯`| 无码人妻丝袜在线视频| 精品欧美日韩视频| 中文字幕亚洲精品日韩精品| 欧美国产成人久久精品直播| 久久伊人天堂视频网| 久久久久久大精品| 嗯啊午夜福利在线观看| 久久99热精品国产av| 国产字幕制服中文在线| 亚洲欧美日韩另类精品一区二区三区 | 精品国产91高清在线观看| 精品无码久久久久国产动漫3d| 久久久一本综合| 女教师巨大乳孔中文字幕| 免费国产三级精品| 久久亚洲精品无α√| 国产欧美精品一区二区色综合| 国产小受呻吟gv视频在线观看| 精品久久久av网| 欧美日韩国产一区二区| 国内少妇人妻偷人精品av视频| 亚洲中文字幕无码日韩| 久久久综合精品亚洲| 国产高清自产拍AV首页| 日韩欧美一区二区三区中文字幕| 国产精品系列在线观看| 久久久91人妻无| 麻豆国产精品三级之蜜臀av| 精品国产一区在线| 嗯啊午夜福利在线观看| 玖玖精品影院| 热久久国产精品| 亚洲欧美 久久| 国产精品高清尿小便嘘嘘吃瓜| 久久天天躁夜夜躁狠狠85麻豆| 国产视频午夜福利在线观看| 亚洲无码动漫| 国产精品探花在线看一区二区| 热99re久久精品2久久久| 乱码日韩欧美| 91亚洲黄片| 亚洲欧美综合另类中字| 精品人妻少妇一区二区| 久久大香蕉精品天堂精品视频 | 国产亚洲乱成人| 久久综合五月开心婷婷深深爱| 国产在线观看香蕉| 天堂在线中文在线最新版| 亚洲欧美日本国产综合在线| 久久精品国产亚洲超碰av| 青青草国产精品久久久久 | 亚洲精品国产综合av在线观看| 色综合网久久| 久久精品福利一区二区| 国产亚洲精品成人一区| 亚洲精品无码久久久久电影网| 99国产视频一区二区三区| 国产亚洲av精选美女久久久| 精品免费久久一区二区三区四区| 久久av喷吹av高潮| 国产在线av不卡| 亚洲综合一区二区三区无码| 精品国产成人久久久| 精品国产自在现线拍免费| 亚洲美腿欧美偷拍| 日韩欧美中文亚洲| 免费两个人视频| 亚洲av国产yy8060| 亚洲AV无码无在线观看红杏| 国产精选在线视频观看| 久久在线免费看片| 夜夜高潮天天爽欧美| 色哟哟观看入口| 日本电影一区二区久久| 国产一二一二三在线观看| 欧美性爱在线播放| 国产偷视频在线观看337p| 欧美cheng人视频在线| 精品一区二区三区无码免费视频 | 天堂无码| 亚洲人妻久久中文字幕| 97精品伊人久久久大香线蕉97| 中文在线1区二区六区| 国产无码一区二区三区| 奶水无码专区| 免费日本一区| 久久人人爽人人爽人人片av东 | 亚洲AV片一区二区三区| 国产亚洲午夜精品a一区二区| 色婷婷综合久久久久中文| 狼人大香伊蕉在人线国产| 亚洲小说图区综合在线| 欧美性高清一区二区三区视频| 91精品国产综合久| 亚洲av成人精品二区| 亚洲成无码人在线观看| 久久无码高潮喷水| 在线a视频| 国产亚洲精品成人一区| 久久精品国产99麻豆| 精品国产一区二区三区超碰香蕉p| 欧美日韩一区二区三精彩视频| 午夜视频在线观看国产| 四虎成人精品一区二区免费网站 | 国产精品亚洲av| 色婷婷综合久久久中文字幕| 国产午夜精品欧美日韩| 亚洲av无码电影在线播放| 国产成人无码a片在线观看不卡| 久久中文字幕丝袜美腿| 国产伦一区二区三区色一 | 日韩精品笫一页| 九九精品在线免费观看| 欧美日韩国产精品91| 免费在线影片观看| 免费999黄片久久| 久久99精品久久久久久国产水牛| 精品国产99精品国产| 久久国产福利一区二区| 欧美性综合影院| 自拍偷区亚洲综合第一页久 | 欧美国产日韩中文字幕精品网在线| 中国在线观看免费高清视频播放| 久久综合热| 欧美专区亚洲| 国产亚洲欧美成人网站在线观看| 久久影院被窝影院爽爽| 日韩欧美一区二区三区在线播放| 日韩免费特黄一二三区| 国产一区二区三区精品观看啪 | 久久久久久精品av| 日日夜夜精品免费视频| 色噜噜极品美女| 亚瑟天堂久久一区二区影院| 国内久久久久精品影院| 国产精品丝袜久久久久久蜜月| 厨房的春潮A片| 波多野结衣电影一区| 在线免费av网| 日韩久久中文字幕| 一区视频在线播放| 综合色久| 精品动漫久久久网站| 久久美女免费视频| 久久亚洲一区二区| 国产麻豆放荡av国产精品| 青青草免费播放视频| 国产一区二区av在线| 精品人妻av波多野结衣| 精品videossex少妇中国| 国产欧洲亚洲免费看| 色午夜ww久久久久生女学生| 久久国产精品99国产免费| 色播亚洲精品网站亚洲第一| 欧美xxxxx性视频| 国产日韩一区在线播放| 国产一区欧美日韩在线观看| 欧美日韩中文字幕在线免费| 欧美日韩一到三区不卡视频| 精品国产91久久久久久午夜蜜臀| 天天影视综合色| 国产亚洲精品aa在线影视| 久久久久国产| 亚洲AV无码精品色午夜蜜芽| 久久亚洲综合网| 亚洲精品色婷婷在线影| 欧美阿v不卡视频在线观看| 91国产av精品| 免费97久久人妻一区精品| 免费999黄片久久| 亚洲精品原创国产电影在线观看| 久久综合五月开心婷婷深深爱| 精品乱码一区二区| 在线精品欧美日韩| 国产无吗免费视频| 日本精品一区二区三区在线观看| 免费b片在线观看| 久久久人妻中文字幕一区二区| 久久久丝袜国产熟女首页| 在线免费观看亚洲片| 国产精品一区二区久久国| 国产精品日产三级在线观看| 中文字幕2区| 国内自拍视频av在线观看| 五月婷婷 激情| 日韩精品电影一区亚洲高清| 亚洲狠狠欧美日韩| 欧美精品久久久久宅男| 日韩成人在线观看视频| 日韩美女视频网站| 日本精品天堂一区二区三区免费在线播放 | 精品久久久久字幕| 欧美亚洲日本国产综合网| 日韩伦人妻无码| 免费观看很黄很色裸乳视频网站| 国产小视频在线播放| 中文字幕亚洲欧美色| 日本黄色一区| 久久电影一级片| 国产精品视频久久| 视频在线一区二区国产| 欧美成人三级精品| 欧美,日韩,亚洲| 国产三级精品三级男人的天堂| 国产极品粉嫩泬免费观看| 伊人999| 久久大香蕉精品天堂精品视频| 国产精品一区蜜桃| 久草福利在线观看| 新版天堂资源在线资源| 久久久精品天堂| 精品久久久久精品一区二区| 国产00高中生在线视频| 日本免费一区二区三区视频| 精品国产第一区二区三区有码| 日本美女一级视频| 久久乐国产精品亚洲综合| 久久国产精品麻豆| 久久久久久精品免费久18| 精品欧美成人网| 中文字幕有码在线播放| 久久久精品a级片| 人妻少妇久久久中文| 亚洲爆乳精品无码一区二区三区| 欧美成人三级国产精品电影| 蜜桃视频精品| 国内精品久久久久伊人| 精品高朝久久久久9999| 精品酒店的特点| 人妻有码高清中文字幕在线| 婷婷久久综合网| 亚洲精品久久国产片400部| 国产三级小视频在线播放完整版 | 中文字幕亚洲综合精品二区| 久久草国产精品| 国产成人无码a片在线观看不卡| 日本国产欧美色综合| 国产成人亚洲精品一区二区在线看 | 亚洲国产成人一区二区精品区 | 亚洲一区二区AV不卡在线观看| 国产成人午夜av在线播放| 日韩伦理片在线免费看| 久久丝袜精品国产综合| 午夜精品在线视频| 久久国产一区二区三区| 亚洲日本aⅴ片在线观看香蕉| 国产亚洲欧洲国产一区| 日韩有码| 久久久久久精品影院| 亚洲av片在线| 免费毛片爽视频| 国产欧美视频色版在线观看| 日本高清无卡码一区二区久久| 亚洲AV一二三区成人影片| 久久国产人妻一区二区麻豆| 国产亚洲中文一区二区三区| 日韩人妻一区二区三区免费| 久久久久久精品亚洲国产7777| 波多野结衣中文字幕一区二区三区 | 国产成人啪精品视频站午夜| 国语自产偷拍精品视频偷最新| 日本高清专区一区二无线 | 一本大道久久精品 东京热| 国产一级内射在线视频| 国产成人午夜视频| 国产乱码精品一区二区16| 久久精品在线免费观看视频网站 | 久久久99国产精品久久六99| 亚洲av永久中文无码精品| 国产亚洲片在线| 丁香天婷五月天综合网| 久久久久夜夜夜精品国产小说| 免费1级a一片在线播放| 国产麻豆亚洲av片在线观看播放| 久久人人爽人人爽人人片av东| 激情内射视频网站| 国产一区二区高清视频女| 国产日韩精品成人| 国产一级毛片一级毛片| 91精品人人揉人妻人人玩| 久久99这里只有精品国产| 久久99精品国产99久久6尤物| 一区二区三区美女视频| 亚洲Va欧美va国产综合久久| 欧美午夜视频在线观看的 | 国产精品一区二区青青青| 国产欧美亚洲另类第一页| 2021国产成人综合亚洲精品| 亚洲精品偷自拍第一页| 人妻少妇精品视频六区 | 少妇精品无码一区二区免费视频| 欧洲亚洲偷自拍第一页| 精品欧美无人区乱码| 精品日韩第1页| 免费精品网久久久久久久久久| 亚洲超碰中文字幕在线| 欧美av精品一区二区三区四区 | 欧美日韩三级国产在线| 激情综合婷婷亚洲图片| 欧美色插视频| 成年男女免费视频网站不卡| 国产视频一区图片小说| 中文字幕日本一区在线91av| 日韩免费视频一区| 欧美黄色网站在线观看| 欧美在线免费亚洲| 欧美成人玩少妇在线精品视频播放 | 久久久久久久综合毛片| 精品人妻少妇久久久久久久| 91麻豆国产香蕉久久精品| 久久久99成人精品免费| 国产精品天天在线| 激情av免费看| 日韩av一区二区三区四区av| 综合色99| 久久综合成人网| 久久视频午夜| 免费少妇A级毛片| 国产亚洲精品日韩香蕉网| 欧美午夜视频在线观看| 久久99人妻| 国产一区二区三区精品不卡| 亚洲精品无码久久| 久久久久精品影院| 日本黄色一区| 亚洲中文字幕久久无码精品 | 精品一区二区久久久久久久网站| 蜜臀91精品国产免费观看| 久久播国产精品| 久久毛片人妻| 一道本久久宗合中文字幕| 国产精品久久久久久无毒偷食禁果| 久久久久久久久久亚洲精品| 久久成人色亚洲| 国产欧美一区二区精品福利视频| 亚洲性线在线播放| 九九热精品免费视频观看| 国产精品丝袜美腿诱惑| 亚洲国产第二日本不卡视频| 欧美喷潮水XXXX| 国产亚洲欧美第一页| 久久婷婷国产综合精品简爱 | 人妻电影波多野结衣| 久久久久久精品免费免费自慰| 九九在线精品亚洲国产| 国产欧美亚洲精品第1页青草| 91亚洲精品在看在线观看高清| 91精品丝袜人妻久久久久| 国内卡1卡2卡3精品| 99久久99久久精品免费看子| 久久996国产精品免费| 伊人影院| 2022国产成人精彩在线视频| 日日躁夜夜躁狠狠躁超碰97| 久久精品国产亚洲av麻豆| 精品中文字幕在线观看| 手机看片av永久免费无| 久久亚洲国产精品一区二区| 精品久久久久久久久久免费| 久久精品电影视频午夜福利 | 国产精品av片在线观看| 国产日韩欧美精品久久久| 欧美成人福利社| 一色综合| 在线视频a| 久久人人爽av| 日韩成年人av| 久久久久久久久久久久av| 国产天美传媒性色av| 久久中文字幕第二页| 一区二区三区免费高清视频| 2022国产情侣真实露脸在线 | 亚洲AⅤ综合色区无码一区| 久久精品成人亚洲| 色伊人亚洲乱码| 国产一区二区三区精品自拍| 狠狠综合久久久久综合网站 | 日本免费一二区视频| 久久午夜黄片| 97色97色97色成人| 在线日韩AV免费永久观看| AV色天堂网在线观看| 久久99国产精品久久99喷水| 欧美| 久久wwwsss| 久久99精品人妻久久久久久不卡 | 欧美日韩国产一区| 久久精品电影视频午夜福利| 人妻一区二区三区久久丰满| 欧美精品国产第一区二区| 亚洲卡一卡二卡三新区乱码| 国产成人精品午夜| 精品国产一区二区三区电影| 久久综合99人妻| 欧美v国产v| 国产最新进精品视频| 久久6久久66这里只有精品| 黄色一区二区三区| 精品免费av一区二区三区| 毛片网站免费在线观看| 国产在线美腿丝袜 | 国产综合精品亚洲777| 免费高清日韩av| 久久久国产精品ⅤA麻豆百度| 国产亚洲精品看片在线观看| 日韩在线免费观看99| 国产一区二区三区日韩欧美| 国产精品综合一区二区在线| 视频小说图片一区| 国产熟女老妇| 国产日韩欧美一区二区三区综合一 | 亚洲春色在线| 九九久久久久久久三级斤| 久久久久国产精品人妻a毛片| 色视频在线观看免费不卡| 精品久久久久久久午夜| 久久久四虎成人永久免费网站| 国产欧美日韩高清在线不卡| 国产精品色哟哟免费专区| 国产一区二区三区亚洲综合| 久久久久亚洲av成人精品| 日本在线视频一区| 日韩福利小视频| 欧美激情一区二区三区成人 | 中文字幕第二一区| 久久久久se色偷偷亚洲精品| 国产精品有码av| 欧美午夜精品一二三区91电影| 久久久一区二区三区精品毛片| 久久亚洲精品成人| 亚洲欧美国产综合色| 久久精品国产一区二区三区演员表| 精品日韩第1页| 国产亚洲精品一区二区在线| 国产一区2区在线观看| 免费成人av在线| 综合色网站| 精品一卡2卡四卡三卡乱码| 亚洲精品国产a久久久| 国产亚洲另类欧美| 视频一区二区视频专区小说 | 久久久精品午夜免费不卡| 国产av无码专区亚洲av毛片搜| 国产精品一区二区性色AV| 欧美亚洲免费| 久久综合亚洲| 日产精品一区二区| 国产精品中文久久久久久久| 欧美视频一区二区三区| 成人精品免费视频在线观看| 老司机午夜福利视频免费播放| 91一区二区三区四区五区| 国产午夜卡一在线| 欧美精品久久久久久久小说| 日韩欧美av久久| 久久精品国产亚洲av吃奶| 国产成人在线观看一区二区| 精品亚洲欧美视频在线观看| 国产精品主播在线一区| 日本,18禁电影| 国产亚洲婷婷99精品91| 2019中文字字幕在线网站| 少妇久久久久久久久久| 国产成人无码播放| 国产欧美黄片免费观看| 国产精品熟女亚洲一区| 久久爱成人在线| 精品岛国在线播放视频| 欧美1区2区3区| 丝袜久久剧情精品国产| 亚洲情欲网| 国产精品美女一区二区三区| 精品久久久久久久久久精品| 精品亚洲av麻豆三区av| 欧美性乱在线观看| 亚洲第一网站在线观看的吧| 精品国产福利一区| 久久久久久精品在线观看| 色噜噜狠狠色综合中文字幕| 亚洲一区二区三区免费看| 久久精品国产99国产精品澳门 | 久久久久亚洲av成人人人网站| 日本高清专区一区二无线| 国产欧美一区二区三区精品| 欧美性感av女星| 久久视频午夜| 国产免国产免费| 亚洲VA中文字幕无码久久| 国产熟女真实乱精品81| 精品久久bbb| 久久久久久久精品国裸体舞| 草草地址线路①屁屁影院成人| 东京热无码人妻系列综合网站| 国产乱码一区二区在线观看| 日韩精品人妻熟女电影| 日韩免费在线观看视频一区二区三区 | 国产天堂成人av久久精品| 久久国产午夜精品理论片34页| 久久伦理第一页| 久久精产国品一二三产品| 欧美 日韩 国产 综合在线| 亚洲国产AⅤ精品一区二区| 国产超碰av| 国产日韩亚洲欧美高清| 视频播放大片年人| 九九久久国产精品不卡| 国产精品久久黄网址| 国产欧美卡通亚洲| 麻豆影视亚洲av久久| 亚洲精国产一区二区三区| 久久亚洲日本不卡一区二区| 久久影院综合精品| 国产一级成年女人视频| 中文字幕在线播放一区| 久久成人精品一区二区| 国产亚洲精品久久久久久精品小说 | 欧美老奶奶色| 国产一级内射在线观看有限公司| 尤物麻豆亚洲av无码精品| 国产无遮挡成人免费视频网站| 日韩国产另类欧美在线观看| 国产综合久久精品东京热| 69国产成人精品二区| 久久久久精品一级毛片免费| 精品久久精品久久精品| 久久久久久中文字幕人妻| 国产日韩一区二区三区免费观看| 国产一区二区三区福利久久| 国内精品久久久久影院蜜芽| 日韩欧美国产视频| 亚洲精品久久久久久无码AV| 亚洲中文字幕无码乱线| 精品人妻无码一区二区色欲产成人| 亚洲欧美精品中字久久99| 国产精品视频全部免费观看| 99久久国产成人免费网站| 日韩高清免费观看网站| 国产一卡2卡3卡四卡精品免费| 中文人妻久久| 久久亚洲欧美一级| 国产成人精品三级在线| 久久国产精品久久久| 中文字幕综合| 国产精品爽黄69天堂A| 精品成人在线手机免费av| 精品午夜福利观看| 久久精品国产精品亚洲综合| 色偷偷91久久综合噜噜噜| 久久亚洲乱码一区| 亚洲国产一区二区三区在线观看| 久久精品国产亚洲av蜜桃| 国内精品久久久久中文字幕| 日韩精品一区二区三区免费视频| 人妻丰满熟妇一区二区三区| 欧美精品一区二区,| 国产欧美日韩视频| 亚洲小说欧美另类激情| 毛片在线观看网站| 久久精品国产婷婷| 亚洲欧美久久久久久久久精品| 欧美成人一区二区啪啪| 国产三级在线视频观看| 欧美成人精品三级在线观看| 久久99精品久久久久久性| 欧洲成本人网站毛片无码| 久久99精品国产99欠久久久久| 久久青草国产| 亚洲精品国产a久久久| 国产视频一线二线在线观看| 亚洲美腿欧美偷拍| 香蕉精品久久| 久久国产高清字幕中文| 国产精品二区三区| 少妇人妻精品专区免费视频| 久久综合网久久综合| 亚洲av在线观看精品国产| 日韩精品你懂的在线播放| 亚洲一区二区三区在线看| 国产一区二区三区视频在线观看| 亚洲国产日韩精品一区二区三区 | 国产午夜精品av不卡免费| 久久午夜视频一区二区三区| 97在线免费视频| 国产欧美精品综合日韩91| 久久精品国产亚洲av视瓶| 日本一区二区三本在线观看| 国产乱码一区二区在线观看| 国产亚洲系列在线| 亚洲欧美自拍一区| 国产一区二区 在线观看| 亚洲国产精品一区二区三区| 亚洲欧美日韩电影一区| 国产亚洲精品美女| 久久香蕉国产国精品一区| 色综合久久中文| 久久精品午夜福利电影| 久久亚洲精品无码网站| 国产婷婷视频一区二区三区| 久久精品大全| 欧美日产国产亚洲综合图区一| 久久亚洲黄色网站| 韩国精品三级在线观看| 久久亚洲综合网| 国产高清在线精品一区二区| 无码人妻精品一区二区在线视频| 久久成人大香蕉| 欧美高清在线视频一区二区| 免费网站在线观看入口av| 一区二区三区 欧美 日韩| 国产精品一区二区三区四区香蕉| 激情高潮动态图| 久久久久99精品成人片| 久久国产欧美一区二区精品| 国产一区二区三区在线观看不卡 | 国产在线www色视频|